young girl in a proud stance flexing her muscles
Image by Ben Kerckx

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 19th, 2024

The focus for today is:

I am 100 percent responsible for my own actions
and how I treat myself and others.

Today's inspiration was written by Cairelle Crow:

When we descend from people who’ve done terrible things, or from people who themselves have been the recipient of some sort of trauma, this energy carries itself down through our physical DNA and the genetic memory of our energetic DNA, even if we’ve never met these ancestors in person. This can perpetuate a negative pattern that continues into the present.

However, it needs to be said quite firmly that, despite our individual and collective traumas, both experienced within our lifetime and those inherited from ancestors, as adults we are 100 percent responsible for our own actions and how we treat ourselves and others. Possessing individual and collective trauma does not relieve us of responsibility for the ways we act out and possibly cause pain.

My physical DNA, and my energetic DNA, and the genetic memory it carries, were loaded with trauma and dysfunctional patterns from the moment I was born. Howeverm I do believe there is a spark of goodness in most people and that is helpful for me to remember when I am working on transmuting the negative energy from my own family and ancestors.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Healing Ancestral Wrongdoings and Dysfunctional Patterns
     Written by Cairelle Crow.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of taking responsibility for your choices and actions (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
Blame is a popular choice. It's easy to blame others for whatever is going wrong in our life, or in life in general. However, since we are creative beings, and we are powerful magnets as well as projecting our beliefs onto others, everything in our life comes from us in one way or the other. But there is no blame... either for others or for ourself. Everything is an experience, and hopefully a learning experience so that our next steps and our next choices become more in harmony with the energy of Love. 

Our focus for today: I am 100 percent responsible for my own actions and how I treat myself and others.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: The Magic in Your Genes

The Magic in Your Genes: Your Personal Path to Ancestor Work
by Cairelle Crow.

book cover: The Magic in Your Genes by Cairelle Crow.The Magic in Your Genes is geared to those with a known recent genealogical history (parents, grandparents) but is also appropriate for those who are adopted or who have other situations, such as a misattributed parentage event. Combines traditional genealogy with magical practices in a unique guide to deepen your relationship with ancestors. 

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as an Audio CD, an Audible Audiobook, and a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Cairelle Crow

?Cairelle Crow has walked a goddess path for more than 30 years, exploring, learning, and growing. She has been involved in genealogical pursuits since the late 1990s and began to actively work with genetic genealogy in 2013. She is the owner of Sacred Roots, which is dedicated to connecting people to their ancestral heritage and legacy, and she lectures locally, nationally, and internationally on the blending of genealogy with magic. She teaches the 13-month Priestess of Sacred Roots genealogy magic course and is also an integrative RN and midlife women's advocate. When she's not riding on a Mardi Gras float in her native New Orleans or roaming the world in search of grandmothers and stone circles, Cairelle is at home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.