Girls' participation in sports has far-reaching benefits beyond physical fitness. It fosters leadership, higher education attainment, and long-term career success. This article explores how sports serve as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and empowerment, making a strong case for increasing access to sports for girls and removing participation barriers. Learn why investing in girls’ sports is crucial for building their future success.
The concept of "Two Minds" delves into the dual nature of human consciousness, where thought vibrations play a pivotal role in manifesting good fortune or tragedy.
Turning challenges into victories is possible for everyone. Discover practical steps to overcome life obstacles, transforming struggles into success and personal growth. Learn how to harness your inner strength and resilience to face adversity head-on and emerge victorious.
- By Chloe Panta
Overcoming roadblocks doesn't have to be hard work. In this article, learn how changing your beliefs can transform your life and lead you to success. Discover simple steps to re-examine your beliefs, release limiting thoughts, and adopt a positive mindset. With these techniques, you can overcome any obstacle and create the life of your dreams.
Have you ever felt stuck in your career, where you live, or in relationships? Adam Alter, NYU psychology professor and author of "Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to Get Unstuck When It Matters Most," offers insights into overcoming these periods. His research reveals that 99% of people experience stuckness, often due to life quakes or the Plateau Effect. He suggests breaking goals into smaller parts, celebrating small victories, conducting friction audits, and embracing failure to get unstuck. Persistence, exploration, and reframing obstacles as growth opportunities are key strategies. Feeling stuck is common, but it doesn't have to be permanent.
Why we’re so bad at spotting lies – most of us only perform slightly better than chance
In general, films in the original language and versions with subtitles in a range of different languages are both widely available in Europe.
Forgetting appointments, deadlines and that call to Mom − the phenomenon of prospective memory and how to improve yours
When I ask my students: Why is a healthy life important? What would a new romantic relationship bring? How would you benefit from a meaningful career? The answer is always the same: “I’d be happy. I’d stop worrying. I’d be at peace.”
Problems. They’re everywhere. In our personal lives, in the world all around us. Who’s got solutions?
Cramming for an exam isn’t the best way to learn – but if you have to do it, here’s how
As humans, we all want self-respect – and keeping that in mind might be the missing ingredient when you try to change someone’s mind.
Paradoxically, the more passionate and responsible you are, the more likely you are to burn out since you’ll be unwilling to stop at times of being overwhelmed, not wanting to make others pick up the slack.
The phrase “Get ready, get set, GO!” describes a formula for effective living. We screw things up when we leave out the middle step, by getting trapped on what I call the “see-do bypass.”
In today’s fiercely competitive job market, the economic advantages of beauty are undeniable. Numerous studies have shown that attractive individuals benefit from a beauty bonus and earn higher salaries on average.
Is it possible to read your e-mails while keeping weekend plans in mind and listening to someone on the phone? Multitasking is part and parcel of our daily lives, with teleworking and the rapid expansion – if not invasion – of digital technology.
How do we find courage to take a stand for love and speak truth to power, when it’s challenging like hell? Most of us run from conflict and confrontation. Some play nice and avoid, hide out in denial, others like to judge and attack.
Pause for a moment and truly appreciate the mind-blowing phenomenon of human memory.
Conspiracy theorists seem to favour an intuitive thinking style – here’s why that’s important
How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains the links between toxic stress and poor health − and how to get help
Ever heard the saying "3 steps forward and two steps back"? Of course you have! Well there's more than that. All universal activity, including human endeavor, occurs in excess and must be corrected.
Mental fatigue has psychological triggers − new research suggests challenging goals can head it off