mother and child sitting on the ground in the middle of a cobblestone street
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In This Article:

  • Discover why freedom from fear is essential for creating miracles.
  • Learn how love and inner strength can help you overcome fear.
  • Understand the role of fear in disconnecting us from our true selves.
  • Explore stories of individuals who transcended fear to embrace their power.
  • Find out how to move forward with confidence and create a more loving world.

Freedom from Fear: The Key to Miracles

by Hope Ives Mauran.

Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living in better conditions. — Hafiz

Nothing is gained by frightening yourself,
and it’s very destructive. Miracles need freedom from fear.”
— Miracle Principle 24, A Course In Miracles

Fear, like a scalpel, removes our own power from us by disconnecting us from ourselves—our whole self and our internal guidance. Freedom from fear is a key to transcending the global plan, which is why fear is a key tool being used to attempt to control and undermine us. Fear turns off our innate inner sense of security and moves us to search outwardly for security instead.

Those crafting the global plan know and use this, providing “up-to-date information” and “breaking news,” so that all of a sudden “safety” comes in the form of a TV news announcer’s solution. When we are fearful, we make bad decisions and are often paralyzed and unable to make clear decisions to safeguard ourselves and our families, or to reclaim our self-authority and ability to navigate through the world.

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We have been programmed to value safety. There’s nothing wrong with safety; it’s just that when it comes at the cost of all our freedoms, health and well-being, it’s not worth it.

Our Role Does Not Include Fear

We all have an essential role to play in creating a more loving and kind world, and if we are afraid, then we can’t fulfill our role and midwife miracles, as is our birthright. We pick up feelings and emotions from each other, they are contagious. Fear latches on very easily in a subtle manner, and we don’t notice its arrival unless we pay careful attention to our body and its response to new information.

Fear fractures our protective aura of connection to the Field of Love and thus robs us of the innate power of who we Truly are. What we fear, we energetically connect with, focus upon and thus attract into our experience. Fear undermines our power and lowers our frequency, so finding our way from fear to equanimity is important, so that we aren’t immobilized and ensnared by its plan that puts our safety in someone else’s hands.

Fear is not a natural state: It is a distortion in our energy field. It is enabled by our misidentification with being our bodies, and our belief that we are separate, disconnected from each other and from the world we live in. When we know we are connected to each other, the earth and the Field of Love around us, we are less vulnerable to fear and to the stresses of these times. These three inspiring stories illustrate a resiliency to fear that comes from these people knowing who they are.

The High Frequency of Love

Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Norman, walked back and forth across the US without any belongings, saying she would “walk until war stopped and there was Peace on earth.” she carried no food, didn’t ask for anything, and ate only when it was offered.

Once she was invited into a car to get warm. The man planned to rape her. She went to sleep in complete trust without fear. Her peaceful sleep and her Love frequency awoke the higher nature and peaceful protector in the man, and he didn’t follow through with his plan. Her high frequency Love, which was more coherent, overrode his lower frequency and his actions changed. The banner on her website has this quote: “No one walks as safely as one who walks humbly and harmlessly with great love and great faith.”

A woman I will call Rachel was in a similarly dangerous situation. She was stripped naked by several men, and it was Love that radiated with such energy from her naked body that the men couldn’t follow through with their plan, either. There is a higher aspect to us all that helps us through these kinds of dire situations. Call it our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Higher Self, Christ Self, Love Incarnate or the Universe.

It is our wild Card, our innate power as our original Creator Self coming through us to influence the world we live in. Sometimes in threatening situations our True Self shines through our physicality and saves the day. Or perhaps it’s because in times of great need, we let go of our resistance to our True Nature as Love and allow our eternal everpresent Light to shine through us unimpeded.

Lama rangbar nyimai ozer, a Tibetan Buddhist, told a story of walking home late at night in Kathmandu in the mountains of Nepal. Stray street dogs mostly sleep through the daytime and then gather together in feral packs at night. One night there was a pack of thirty to forty dogs in the road ahead, and the only way to get home was through the fiercely growling and barking dogs.

With Lama’s characteristic humor, he shared that “It would be bad policy to run,” and he just decided that whatever they were doing or saying had nothing to do with him, their barking must have something to do with someone else. As he walked straight through the pack, the dogs stopped barking and quieted. They didn’t get any rise of fear out of him.

About this he shared,

“This is a metaphor for our lives. Everyone is barking their opinions about what we are doing. The phenomenon often barks, too—situations, things, bill collectors, that you could react to. And in that reaction, you explode it; your emotions and chi get involved, and all that happens is that you become exhausted and terrified.

The alternative is to stay focused and clear, understand your own intentions and move forward with life. Sometimes accelerating is one way to get out of a situation, as well. A path reveals itself.”

Lama’s story is a template for our path forward. Having moved past our fear, it requires us to keep walking ahead with our focus upon where we do want to go and remembering that acceleration may be necessary to get us out of a tight situation!

Fear Inoculation

I was talking with Ray, who I had just met, about the advantages of facing fearful scenarios in advance of their arrival in order to move beyond the frozen deer-in-the-headlights response to them. He turned out to be an ex-Marine and said, “Yes, of course. We call it fear inoculation.” By getting used to a fearful scenario, we can find our way past our shock to an appropriate response. Fear’s resolution brings equanimity and a thoughtful and appropriate response to the fearful scenario.

Like a telltale on a sail that shows what direction the wind is blowing, fear can be a useful marker to help us chart our course.Fear, when it is not debilitating, can be a messenger. What am I really afraid of? Perhaps it is a call to act in some way. Can I do something about it? what should I do? Do I need to have help? Are there changes I need to make?

Moving Beyond Our Fear

Moving beyond our fear is an evolutionary and transformational process initiated from our inner self that knows no fear. I have systematically observed things that made me fearful, and have moved to dissolve the fear I felt, by facing them head on. This process of moving through our fears, makes more space for our courage, and for our full identity since we are actually beings both in this world and outside of this world. In fear, we distort our connection to our expansive True self, which by its nature is whole, loving and secure. Fear creates tension and energy blockages that we can feel in our bodies, and blocks the clarity of our thought.

If we notice where fear inhabits our body we can just watch it, be present with it. As we accept fear’s presence as simply “what is” in the moment, it can loosen because we aren’t rejecting it. This takes the sting of fear out of us. There’s no need to craft big stories around fear, just let it pass through. I stop wherever I am and become absolutely still. It’s like hitting a reset button. I may have to stop again in ten minutes, but it really helps the fear to dissipate. Change is a constant here on earth, and change is happening faster and faster even in the processing of fear. As the frequency rises on earth, there is more Light, so fear and powerlessness—like the dust-bunnies in the back of our closets—can now be seen and swept away more easily.

What Can We Do?

What can we do when faced with such fear inducing scenarios? We can know that we are powerful. We are created of the creator. We are whole. We, like all beings, hold the pinnacle of Human Light existence. It is not logical to be fearful if we are like a lion in the jungle. Know this: say, “I am like a lion in the jungle.”

Attune to the Love and the frequency of interconnectedness all around us. Standing in the role of a creator being. There is a responsibility we have as well: to create in the direction that we want to move. We can imagine a beautiful world. We can also know that the forces that are hard at work otherwise have no basis in Truth.

What is your response to fearful news or situations? Our strategy can be to walk ahead as though there were no trap. As though there were only Love we can live our life. As though the land beneath our feet were sacred and secure, we can walk forward. There is nothing that can harm us as this is done. It is evidenced by the stories I have shared of Peace Pilgrim and Lama Rangbar. Who and how we are inside determines what happens around us.

It is, however, prudent to be aware of the mainstream world, for the agenda of control does exist, and it does have the potential to hurt us. We must be careful, wise and paying attention to our inner guidance as we walk ahead.

Our Words of Love and Affection Are Potent

Our words of Love and affection for the earth and for our fellow humans are potent, and such potency is what heals the rift between all of us and the earth. In beginning a strategy of this sort, the first steps are the hardest. Once you see that our world is secure then you are more confident moving forward. It is healing and Light that will form the energy bridge from this world to the next one, where such evil does not exist.

And so, in multidimensional thought we must think, in awareness that all is of a Higher order we are saved. This heightened sense of identity as Consciousness and Love is ours to hold and share and be. It simply needs to be asked for, aligned with, demonstrated. Our capacity to demonstrate this is for ourself as much as for anyone who benefits. (we must save ourselves before we can save anyone else.) And so be sure that all is well, that the good guys win, that there is no superior thought; there is only Love that will carry us through all this and create a peaceful world.

We can walk with awareness of the hazards, knowing we are secure, as we stand up for our rights. There is a saying that seems relevant: “Fake it till you make it.” Fake your invulnerability, confidence and security until you notice it is actually present. Our Loving energy is more coherent than that of fear, coercion and separation. Not consenting to the encroaching regulations around the Great Reset may bring up a sense of fear and vulnerability as we make these difficult and important choices. Just keep walking forward on your path until you feel the confidence of the choice you are making. We have the wind of the Universe at our backs.

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission.

Article Source:

BOOK: Love’s New Earth

Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~
book cover of: Love’s New Earth by Hope Ives Hope Ives Mauran.

An inspiring and practical handbook and resource for navigating these times of radical change. From who we truly are as eternal Consciousness, to the 2030 global agenda, it empowers and guides our creation of a New Earth based in Love.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

photo of Hope Ives Mauran, aka Freedom MauranAfter a channeled reading in 1998, Hope Ives Mauran began communicating with her spirit guides and painting. Hope calls herself a translator of wisdom from other dimensions, and has written four books as a result: The Key To Love, A Teaching from The Beings of Light for an Enlightened Reality of Earth (2016); Being The Miracle of Love, Conversations with Jesus (2013); Be the Second Coming, Guidebook to the Embodiment of the Christ Within: A Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012), and Where the Wisdom Lies: A Message from Nature’s Small Creatures (2006). She has also recorded an audio CD, entitled Emotional Transformation: Learn to speak the Language of Creation (2005). Hope shares inspiring messages of non-duality and unconditional love.

Her birth name is Hope, her given name is Freedom. Given by her higher self, a reminder to her and to all of us, that we are free and powerful beings already and always.

Some of her artwork, which she describes as “eco-spiritual modified landscapes”, guided drawings and an illustration of the spiritual journey may be seen on the website.

More books by this Author.

Article Recap:

This article explores the profound connection between freedom from fear and the creation of miracles. It discusses how fear disconnects us from our true selves and how love and inner strength can help us overcome it. Through inspiring stories and practical insights, the article emphasizes the importance of moving beyond fear to embrace our innate power. By cultivating a state of inner peace and aligning with the frequency of love, we can create miracles in our lives and contribute to a more harmonious world.