Undocumented immigrants are often blamed for exploiting U.S. social programs and not paying taxes, but the reality is far different. In 2022, they contributed $96.7 billion in federal, state, and...

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed significant disparities in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups, highlighting the need for better data collection, community engagement, and culturally...

  Racialized women who advocate for social justice often face severe backlash, which can negatively impact their mental health and professional standing. This article highlights the...

In today's politicized world, the strict definitions of socialism vs capitalism have lost much of their relevance. Modern societies thrive with mixed economies that blend the best of both systems,...

Light pollution has obscured the night sky for nearly 3 billion people, but it’s possible to bring back the Milky Way by making smarter lighting choices. Shielding streetlights, using warm-colored...

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