man standing looking out from a balcony with his arms wide open to the horizon
Image by Lauren H.
ur InnerSelf welcomes your inner self

We all have the freedom to start over any time... any day, any minute of the day. Whatever path we find ourselves on... arguing with someone, unhappy about something, we can hit reset and change either 1) our attitude or 2) our location if need be. Sometimes it just requires a change of attitude for everything to become different. Othertimes, you may have to remove yourself from a location, a job, a person, in order to reset. 

We all have the freedom to choose our next thought (or at least to change it once it comes up) and our next action. We oftentimes get into trouble when we are trying to change others to fit what we think is the "right" way or the "best" way... otherwise known as "my way". 

But inner peace comes when we give others the freedom to be who they are at the moment, and for us to choose our attitude at every moment also. The struggles in our life are often caused by our own attitude and expectations... we often expect things to be different than they are. Miserable about the weather? Well, unless you've mastered the art of weather shamanism, you better accept what is. Same goes with your contacts with others. The only thing to change is you... and once you change "where you're coming from" then others will respond to you from a new "location" as well... since your energy will be coming to them from a different "location" or setting. 

Freedom, like everything else, is an inside job. Even "inmates" in the  concentration camps, discovered that the only thing that couldn't be taken from them was their inner being... their inner freedom to choose their thoughts, attitudes, and how they related with others.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


This Week's Astrological Overview

♥ Your InnerSelf To Do List ♥

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