a female warrior with helmet and chain mail
Image by ImaArtist from Pixabay

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

September 2, 2024

The focus for today is:

I am learning how, and when, to remove my armour.

Today's inspiration was written by Malcolm Stern:

Whether unconscious or conscious, we are all hungry for more depth of connection and more purpose. For good reasons we have learned to construct a suit of armour to protect us from being overwhelmed by the magnitude of painful experience. 

Perhaps as children we needed to escape from violence, or intrusion, or feeling overwhelmed. This armour serves an important purpose – it protects us – and it’s useful for a warrior to have the capacity for deflection when a situation feels impossible to manage.

The problem is that we have lost the ability to take it off, so the barrier we have erected to protect ourselves deadens our deepest relationships and numbs our sensitivity. A piece of work is usually about carefully dismantling the armour and facing what’s underneath (which is usually far less vile or scary than we expected). Once removed, we can learn the mechanisms for removing it and, importantly, how to consciously put it back on again, in appropriate circumstances.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the InnerSelf.com article:
   Take Yourself On and Do The Work
   by Malcolm Stern.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of safely removing your armour (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
 The biggest problem with having an armour or putting up a defensive wall is that it not only keeps out "the bad stuff" but it keeps everything out, even the good stuff like Love and Joy.  

Our focus for today: I am learning how, and when, to remove my armour.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: Slay Your Dragons With Compassion

Slay Your Dragons With Compassion: Ten Ways to Thrive Even When It Feels Impossible
by Malcolm Stern and Ben Craib

Slay Your Dragons With Compassion: Ten Ways to Thrive Even When It Feels Impossible by Malcolm Stern and Ben CraibTen key teachings from renowned therapist Malcolm Stern. The book, which includes many exercises, is the distillation of over thirty years' experience in the therapy room and shows us that meaning can exist even in the worst tragedy. By creating a set of practices and making them central to our lives we can find passion, purpose, and meaningful happiness while navigating life's darkest moments in such a way that we discover the gold hidden within.

For more info, or to order this book, click here. (Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.)

Another Book by this author: Falling in Love, Staying in Love

About the Author

Malcolm Stern, author of Slay Your Dragons with CompassionMalcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for nearly 30 years. He is co-founder and co-director of Alternatives at St James's Church in London and teaches and runs groups internationally. His approach involves finding where the heart is and helping individuals access their truth. His London One Year Group is the centrepiece of his work and has been successfully operating since 1990. In it he creates an environment of trust, integrity and community, where participants can become skilled in relationships, communication and managing difficult conversations. The ultimate learning is to Slay your dragons with compassion. Visit his website at MalcolmStern.com/