a young woman holding up a sign that reads: Love not Hate
Image by Robert Jones 

In This Article:

  • Discover the power of a revolution of love and its impact on our world.
  • Learn how trusting in love's power can lead to personal and global transformation.
  • Understand the importance of Forgiveness in creating a peaceful and loving world.
  • Explore the concept of the Field of Love and its role in healing and unity.
  • Find out how you can be part of this revolution in your life and community.

We Must Trust That a Revolution of Love Is All Around Us

by Hope Ives Mauran.

Love is the healing force within and around all life.

This is a loving world that we can influence and work with individually and as a whole human family. How amazing and incredible is that!

Synchronicities and miracles are everywhere waiting for us to join in the flow of their expression. A friend of mine keeps a journal of them because it can be so uplifting to remember these wonderful occurrences that defy our traditional explanations and logic.

Reason for Hope

There is reason for hope at this challenging time and much to be grateful for as the frequency of the earth is rising, and the consciousness of humanity is cracking open to reveal more awareness, insight and Love. The miracles of this world are actually just demonstrations of the higher order reality that we all live within.

It’s easier to remember this benevolent field when I take a moment to stop, become still and just notice it. Can you feel the Field of Love around you? For me it feels like gentle caressing coming in from all sides. When I remember to notice it, it feels like having a friend everywhere I am.

The Field of Love

A Field exists only as a function. It can’t be seen. It is known by its effect and by our looking for it.

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That we exist in a “Field of Love” may sound like an airy-fairy spiritual idea, but science substantiates a connecting Field that is a medium for healing. In Marc Newkirk’s talk entitled “Scientific evidence of Metaphysical Truth,” he profiled several scientists with impressive credentials from respected universities, and shared their research and findings that demonstrate our oneness and the Field that connects us all. He said that new discoveries are happening so fast that most of us are not aware of the leading edge of science, energy and technology.

Remote healing is a perfect example of how we are all connected. For example, Marc’s friend, Ji xing Li, a Chigung Master, can heal and rejuvenate cells from a distance. He was able to destroy cancer cells in a laboratory from 1700 miles away. He also rejuvenated a fifty-plus year old woman, changing her to being biologically twenty years younger. She even got her menstrual cycle back.

Marc called him right after an explosion burned Marc’s face and arm very badly, and he was in excruciating pain. Ji xing Li was about to get on an airplane and so once he was in the air, he was able to work on Marc remotely. Marc described the feeling of Ji xing Li work on him, and at one point the pain instantly disappeared. Marc’s face showed no signs of scarring or disfigurement.

Remote healing is a well documented phenomenon. It uses the Field of Love and Consciousness to reach out and connect from any distance or location. It is evidence that who we are is everywhere and thus we are able to influence whatever we focus upon. I think of it as non-local Love.

Love is not an add-on or an extra. It is the central theme, power and substance behind life. Love can heal, as Ji xing Li demonstrated. Love can also protect as the following story illustrates.

Ben and the Gang

My friend Ben lived on the lower east side of Manhattan in the 1960’s when there were gangs that targeted the hippies with violence, because the hippies were encroaching into the gang’s neighborhood. One night he was walking home late and was approached by a menacing gang of fifteen teenagers, who walked towards him, each one with a weapon in their hand, because he was a hippie and had long hair.

(The hippies were “yuppifying“ the neighborhood (1960’s style), which meant the local families couldn’t afford the rents that the hippies were willing and able to pay. They had asked the hippies to stay away, and this is why the gang threatened Ben in this way.)

They wanted to attack him and “bring him down” as Ben described it. They blocked his escape and he had to back up. There was a small building ten feet behind him, and as they steadily approached him, he slowly backed up against it. Ben said, “Hey what are you doing?” He couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to hurt him, because he had a heart full of Love.

When his back hit the wall, one of the gang said, “He’s okay.” The gang parted and Ben walked forward right through them and on out. I asked him if he shook afterwards as he walked home, and he said, “when you are filled with the power of Love, you don’t shake.”

Standing Within Love the World is a Benevolent Place

Standing within Love, embodying it like Ben did, our world is a benevolent place. Love responds with and for our thoughts and actions, crafting the miracle of the parting of the sea of young men. Love is the reigning field of energy here on earth, and it is ours to embody as well.

There is nothing to add to ourselves to embody Love. As embodied Love, we have walked through a doorway of sorts. We have ascended in the time at hand, essentially to a New Earth environment of our own making.

We have proverbially walked off the cliff onto the Bridge of Light that is there by our allowing our inherent Love and Light to shine forth. And ironically, it is done not by additions to who we are, but subtraction of who we are not!

We are not limited, even though resources on earth appear to be. We are not lost to the Love that is within and around us; we are simply blind to it, and have learned another language that overwrites it.

We are not who and what we have been taught. We are so much more. And so, if we were all awakened to this, there would be no problem that could not be solved.

The way that this creation of the New Earth is to be unfolded depends on all of us. As we see more of the human potential and we practice our loving actions of togetherness, offering and sharing—and counter our ego’s formulaic patterns of self-centeredness—we can lift the systems of Life to the next level.

Love also helps to make possible the correction of anything. Notice and act upon the loving and harmonizing impulses that flit through your mind.

A Grand Opportunity of Awakening

A grand opportunity could take the form of a mass awakening. What might such an awakening look like? I recall a late morning in New York City when I was walking up the stairs out of the subway, and something lifted from me as all the people became exquisitely beautiful. I felt so much love for everything and everyone in the crowd around me. It lasted but a few minutes and then it was gone.

I didn’t do anything to make that happen, although I was happy and feeling love in my heart in that moment. If this same “lifting” was lifted from all humans, this world would change overnight. It was a glimpse of what form a possible mass awakening could take.

This potent time on earth supports the Light going on within and around us all. Our full multidimensional self—all parts of ourselves that exist inside of this physical earth and beyond this density in other dimensions—become more evident because our higher frequency opens the door to our own full presence.

We become immune to the coercion and controlling energies as we recognize them for what they are: lower frequency, less powerful and sourced in fear. They need not affect us. It is a choice we can make with our focus, intent and alignment with Nature, with Love and with our source.

Which Shall You Choose: Non-forgiveness or Forgiveness

Non forgiveness, of ourselves or others holds us outside of this Light potential and keeps us from this higher level expression of Light. Our opportunity now in this transition time is to heal the [mis]understanding and belief that we are separate, that has kept us from our power as Light, as Love and to live in harmony with the whole of Life and Nature. We have generations of trauma that we can’t move beyond without some help.

In operating solely from the level of what we see and feel physically, we are locked into this downward spiral of human life. Forgiveness is powerful and this knowledge of who we truly are, who everyone else is, of our inner Light and our oneness, in this rising frequency environment, gives us this chance to hit a reset button and start again. Too bad there aren’t yet any glasses that can show us the true divine essence of everyone we see. It would make this important transformation easy. Which it is not!

How Do We Forgive Ourselves and Others?

If we can define Forgiveness as simply the awareness that nothing that has been done to us or on earth is actually True—because we aren’t actually these bodies and these beings we think we are—we can forgive anything and everything as not actually having happened. Or we can realize that our grief and our gripes aren’t worth holding onto in the face of this higher opportunity presenting itself.

In full and complete Forgiveness of the world there is nothing that stands in the way of our True expression and the “full monte” of miracle potentials. This must be imprinted in our awareness of the landscape ahead. These are unique and wonderful times.

The only thing that sets us apart from the possibility of miracles in our expression and experience is non-forgiveness. In the simplest of terms, forgiveness consists of being kind.

Be kind to yourself, allow yourself errors—and correct them. Allow others’ errors and be patient in your awareness that they are not the seeming human (fallible and imperfect), they are one with the Creator God and nothing that occurs at this level in the human body changes that Truth. We are all ONE with the Creator/source/God.

Trusting in the Field of Love and Forgiveness

As brothers and sisters of the Light we can allow ourselves to Love no matter what, by seeing through the physical to that which is before all this world, to that which joins us all as one. It has magnificent qualities that transform all Life around us, making possible and evident the miracles that are within and around us all.

Trusting in the Field of Love and Forgiveness (with a capital “F’) can help us live in peace and bring peace to this world.

Peacemaking doesn’t mean passivity. It is the act of interrupting injustice without mirroring injustice, the act of disarming evil without destroying the evildoer, the act of finding a third way that is neither fight nor flight but the careful, arduous pursuit of reconciliation and justice. It is about a revolution of love that is big enough to set both the oppressed and the oppressors free. —Shane Claiborne

“A revolution of Love” is inevitable when we feel the support of the Field of Love that surrounds us, and know who we Truly Are. This Love, with a capital L, is the Love that can find its way to Forgiveness with a capital F, and the Forgiveness of our parents, our teachers, our trauma, all victimhood and violence and all that has held us apart from our True nature as Love embodied on earth.

What would a revolution of Love look like for you in your life and in your community?

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission.

Article Source:

BOOK: Love’s New Earth

Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~
book cover of: Love’s New Earth by Hope Ives Mauran.by Hope Ives Mauran.

An inspiring and practical handbook and resource for navigating these times of radical change. From who we truly are as eternal Consciousness, to the 2030 global agenda, it empowers and guides our creation of a New Earth based in Love.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

photo of Hope Ives Mauran, aka Freedom MauranAfter a channeled reading in 1998, Hope Ives Mauran began communicating with her spirit guides and painting. Hope calls herself a translator of wisdom from other dimensions, and has written four books as a result: The Key To Love, A Teaching from The Beings of Light for an Enlightened Reality of Earth (2016); Being The Miracle of Love, Conversations with Jesus (2013); Be the Second Coming, Guidebook to the Embodiment of the Christ Within: A Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012), and Where the Wisdom Lies: A Message from Nature’s Small Creatures (2006). She has also recorded an audio CD, entitled Emotional Transformation: Learn to speak the Language of Creation (2005). Hope shares inspiring messages of non-duality and unconditional love.

Her birth name is Hope, her given name is Freedom. Given by her higher self, a reminder to her and to all of us, that we are free and powerful beings already and always.

Some of her artwork, which she describes as “eco-spiritual modified landscapes”, guided drawings and an illustration of the spiritual journey may be seen on the website. www.FreedomsArt.com

More books by this Author.

Article Recap:

This article explores the concept of a revolution of love, emphasizing how trusting in love's power can bring about profound changes in our lives and the world around us. By understanding the importance of forgiveness and embracing the Field of Love, we can heal divisions, create unity, and contribute to a global transformation. The article encourages readers to be active participants in this revolution, recognizing that love is the ultimate force for good in the universe.