The American dream is within reach for all when we break the cycle of poverty, hopelessness, and inadequate education. This article outlines an innovative program designed to empower the next...

Your pet's behavior often mirrors your own energy and emotions. This article explores how managing your dog’s on-leash reactivity can provide insights into your own life, such as feelings of...

Long-distance caregiving presents unique challenges, from emotional stress to managing logistics across time zones. This article explores practical strategies for overcoming caregiving challenges,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This weekly astrological overview is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

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Sarah Varcas
Sedna is the Inuit sea goddess, also known as mother or mistress of the sea and goddess of the underworld. There are many versions of her story...
The Taurus North Node affirms it is time to lay the physical foundations of the new world as the old one crumbles to dust. It is time to act. To walk your talk or lose your way!
The Taurus North Node affirms it is time to lay the physical foundations of the new world as the old one crumbles to dust. It is time to act. To walk your talk or lose your way!
This second and final eclipse season of 2021 began on 5th November and features a lunar eclipse in the 28th degree of Taurus on 19th November followed by a solar eclipse in the 13th degree of Sagittar...
This second and final eclipse season of 2021 began on 5th November and features a lunar eclipse in the 28th degree of Taurus on 19th November followed by a solar eclipse in the 13th degree of Sagittar...
August 22 2021 - Blue Moon in Aquarius. This blue moon completes a period of mental recalibration that began with last month’s full moon). Occurring in the final degree of Aquarius, it unlocks the mos...
August 22 2021 - Blue Moon in Aquarius. This blue moon completes a period of mental recalibration that began with last month’s full moon). Occurring in the final degree of Aquarius, it unlocks the mos...
The period beginning with this first full moon (24 July 2021) and ending with the blue moon (22 August 2021) offers everyone an opportunity for a mental ‘spring-clean’, clearing the mind of unnecessar...
The period beginning with this first full moon (24 July 2021) and ending with the blue moon (22 August 2021) offers everyone an opportunity for a mental ‘spring-clean’, clearing the mind of unnecessar...
A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 26 th May begins a sequence of key astrological events, making June 2021 rich with opportunities to rethink our perspective and deepen our perceptions. In these comin...
A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 26 th May begins a sequence of key astrological events, making June 2021 rich with opportunities to rethink our perspective and deepen our perceptions. In these comin...
This supermoon is full in Scorpio at 3:33 a.m. on 27 th April 2021. It sits opposite the rest of the planets, in a position known as a ‘tension ruler’. This is a strongly influential moon whose energi...
This supermoon is full in Scorpio at 3:33 a.m. on 27 th April 2021. It sits opposite the rest of the planets, in a position known as a ‘tension ruler’. This is a strongly influential moon whose energi...
This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would ot...
If you think you know what happens next, think again. If you’re certain in your world view, let the edges begin to blur for much is not as it seems. When Saturn squares Uranus we’re all tasked with bu...
This Mercury Retrograde pulls no punches and takes no prisoners. Nor would we want to be held captive, for its promise is freedom from the chains secured by our own deceptions. This is about the every...
We enter 2021 at a critical point in human history after events of last year revealed what has lurked too long in the shadows, manipulating agendas to its own ends. The Saturn / Pluto conjunction of J...
Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Ca...
Reality calls and we cannot simply ignore events in this relative world of ego run amok. This solar eclipse, the second of two eclipses this season, delivers the harshest truths entwined with the most...
The energy of this lunar eclipse is flexible and changeable. It cannot be pinned down and how we each experience it will depend largely on what side of bed we emerge from that morning! With an ongoing...
Mercury in Scorpio will not rest until the very root of a matter is exposed. It challenges us to seek out hidden agendas and obscured facts, resisting the misdirections cast by those who prefer we (or...
In the dark of this moon we can experience a deepened sense of our innate power as we contemplate the strength that lies at our core: the unyielding life-force shared with all beings everywhere. In th...
We are living in unprecedented times. Times which demand the calling forth of qualities to match the gravity of this moment. As an astrologer, this means an unflinching sense of integrity in the face...
This black moon – the second of two new moons in the same zodiac sign – arrives at a time of immense change and uncertainty the world over. In Cancer, the sign of true family, it reminds us that we ca...
The final of three eclipses, this lunar eclipse in Capricorn begins a process of emotional repatterning in response to events and experiences over the past month.This eclipse is about the reclamation...
When we have a solar eclipse sandwiched between two lunar eclipses like this one, we often see a process of emotional upheaval and purging triggered by the first lunar eclipse, followed by a time of r...
This lunar eclipse raises the issue of dependence and conditioning. In Sagittarius, it potentises the transfer of power away from the expert elite triggered by the North Node’s arrival in Gemini last...
The North Node always points us in the direction of progress and fulfilment, revealing how to more deeply and fully occupy our humanity. It’s our guide into a bright future, but demands the sacrifice...
When embroiled in the midst of a crisis, the longer view can sometimes help. Reflecting on how we got here, where we want to get to and how we can do so, gives both context and meaning to our current...
It goes without saying that we’re living amidst intense times. Fear is rife, isolation everywhere and contradictory information and opinion abounds, clarifying one minute, confusing the next. Communit...
Many of us turn to astrology to inform our personal and spiritual development. We seek insight into our internal world, the solutions to our problems, how we can fulfil our potential and our place in...
2020 is set to be a watershed year offering many opportunities for change and recalibration. On considering the charts for this year I feel excitement about what could be, whilst being mindful of the...
This moon marks an opportunity to stop and take stock, turn within and ask some probing questions about what’s really going on in the places we most struggle in our lives. Excuses won’t cut it now. Pu...
This is an intense moon which highlights the power struggles that can readily occur in the course of everyday life. With Mars now journeying through Libra and Mercury preparing to turn retrograde in S...
This full moon conjunct Neptune and Black Moon Lilith invites us into deep contemplation of who we are aside from the details of our lives. Because an unnerving dissolution of self may occur when we s...
This super new moon in the 7 th degree of Virgo – conjunct Venus, Mars & Mercury – is a cleansing moon. Virgo is a deeply healing sign imbued with ancient knowledge often lost to us in favour of moder...
This moon reminds us we don’t have to believe a single thought or subscribe to any belief unless we choose to. And we must choose with great care, for what occupies our mind also shapes our life. If w...
Venus entered Leo on 28 th July 2019. Given the challenges of the eclipse season which ended on 29 th July , this is something to celebrate! After much self-analysis and the illumination of some thorn...
Mythological Eris is the goddess of discord and rivalry. Astrological Eris challenges us to look with eyes wide open and free from all guile at who we are and what we do – personally and collectively...
There’s always much talk (and a fair amount of hype!) when Mercury turns retrograde, most of it pretty negative and doom laden. Mention of travel disruption, communication breakdown & misunderstanding...
Old ways of navigating this life may be falling short of late, with inspiration replaced by a jaded lack of motivation and faith. Growing intensity may feel heavy to many hoping for a lighter wave to...
A solar eclipse occurs at a new moon and sees the light of the sun obscured by the moon. Astrologically, the sun reflects our core will and essence. It reveals the qualities that we manifest as we mat...
21st June 2019 sees a number of astrological events occurring in quick succession, alerting us to a significant energetic shift. At 8:27 a.m. Neptune stations in its own sign of Pisces, beginning its...
You may already know we have a big moment coming up on 12 th /13 th January 2020 when a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn heralds the beginning of a new developmental cycle lasting in...
Uranus enters Taurus on 6 th March 2019 (UT). The planet of radical disruption, unpredictable events and liberating discontinuity in the zodiac sign of Taurus, known for its stubborn resistance to cha...
What we actually make of a supermoon is up to us. We can allow ourselves to be consumed with greed and stubbornly pursue our desires even when not in our best interests. Or we can use this powerful ti...
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and its light is blocked by the earth’s shadow. Traditionally a time of fruition and harvest, an eclipsed full moon heralds instead hidden fruits and obscu...
A Gemini Moon is rarely predictable. Interested in this and then that, it casts aside one thing in favour of the next, then the next. It’s great at talking about plans, less so at implementing them. I...
On 6th November 2018 the North Node shifted from the fire of Leo into the waters of Cancer where it remains for eighteen months. Since its entry into Leo in May 2017 it has helped us find our own plac...
Throughout the next two months we’ll have plenty of opportunity to consider the stories we project upon the world to make sense of it: how we insert our personal narrative into the impersonal conditio...
October 2018 may bring sweeping change that cultivates a more innovative and courageous attitude at a personal, local and global level. Or we may end up reacting to life’s challenges blind to their de...
If you’ve felt confused in recent days (Neptune has been opposing the Sun so it’s quite likely!), this Moon sets out a clearer path ahead which starts right where we are, not in some distant place we...
August begins in the middle of an eclipse season which continues until the 15 th . Last month was an intense journey for many, with solar and lunar eclipses challenging even the most balanced among us...
July is a month of deep inner movement which, like a quake far below the earth’s crust, may well shake foundations, but is less likely to bring the structures of our lives crashing down. With up to si...
June 2018 finds us in the ‘waiting room’ of the next eclipse season beginning in July. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitemen...
May 2018 heralds the next major astrological shift as Uranus, the planet of radical disruption and liberating change, begins its journey through Taurus, the sign of steadfastness and stability. It las...
Mother Earth has suffered shockingly as a result of human ignorance, denial and narcissism for way too long. She lies bleeding at our feet and still we look away. But no more. Once Uranus begins its e...
Whatever your priorities at this time, hold fast to the belief that you can manifest positive change in your own life. It may not be easy and there are often many forces which seem to be stacked again...
Eris, in all her mighty glory, comes to set things straight. Eris knows the power of the feminine, the raw, primal force of childbirth, the fierce protection of a mother’s love, the enduring strength...
Generally speaking, eclipses get a bad rap, no doubt due to the fear they provoked in days gone by when total eclipses plunged people into blackness and the life-sustaining light was eradicated by a s...
2017 is a year of surprises and unexpected twists and turns, ego battles, spiritual stand-offs and defining moments in the shaping of this evolutionary time. Just as we feel we’ve found our way, a new...
Mercury stations retrograde in the final degree of Sagittarius, reminding us that sometimes it really is worth looking back before you leap. This retrograde passage of Mercury augurs a time for reflec...
A black moon is a particularly powerful new moon which augurs a significant new phase. We can use its energy to prepare for shifts in our inner and outer worlds so powerful they may change the very co...
Mercury is retrograde between 9 th April and 3 rd May 2017 (GMT). This Mercury speaks of the need to trust our instincts over and above the reason of ‘common sense’ logic. There exists great mystery w...
In Sagittarius, Saturn requires a broader view of our lives, beyond our personal present. It helps us identify connections between apparently random experiences and reveals how past decisions, attitud...
April 2017 sees an increase in retrograde activity, with roughly half of the month (9th – 15th April & 20th April – 3rd May) featuring four retrogrades. This is something we’ve not seen since Septembe...
This eclipse speaks of over-due endings and fresh starts. A new way of being is in reach, born of wisdom gleaned from past experience and freedom from shackles that no longer bind. But these endings m...
If you’ve been wondering what on earth’s going on lately – if life has been too good to be true, too tough to endure or too confusing to warrant taking seriously – this eclipse may just help clarify t...
We may be disappointed if we want life to go gently with our feelings as the year closes, for there are more potent agendas at work, in service of truth-telling and revelation no matter the cost. This...
While Mars enters Uranian realms and Uranus travels through Mars-ruled Aries, these two powerhouse planets join forces to wake us up and keep us moving whether we like it or not! Mars in Aquarius dema...
The second half of October is characterised by dynamic, forthright energy which requires careful handling. As always, it’s our choice how we use it. If we muster as much conscious awareness as possibl...
We may be beset with all kinds of desires, passions, certainties and non-negotiables at the moment. Ice cold clarity is in the air. We are seeing, perhaps for the first time, the truth of our lives, o...
When the Moon is eclipsed we may lose touch with our inner compass. When eclipsed in Pisces, even more so! If we find ourselves swayed by ideas, people or situations that seem out of character it’s wo...
This solar eclipse highlights the adventure of living in the material world whilst embracing the unseen realms of energy and essence. This is the path of the everyday mystic who lives in communion wit...
If there are difficult conversations to be had, the next three weeks may just be the time to have them, even though Mercury retrograde is usually characterised as bad for communication. In fact, paint...
This isn’t an ‘easy’ Moon, but it is a liberating one for sure, with gifts galore for all who commit to seeing life through fresh eyes, not allowing the tyranny of a ‘tried and tested’ past to jeopard...
Mars's entry into Sagittarius indicates a shift to a lighter and more future-focused energy. One which carries with it inspiration and excitement: a vision of possibility that motivates us to soldier...
We live in intense times: intensely unpredictable, intensely beautiful, intensely unsettling, intensely transformational. Both the best and the worst are rising to the surface, revealed in their fulln...
Every now and then you’ll hear that a full moon is designated a blue moon and therefore of particular astrological significance. But you may also notice that different people designate different moons...
Now more than ever Pluto’s transformative power supports a positive manifestation of our collective destiny. In this motif we see the potential for change which consolidates progress even if, at first...
At a planetary level Eris conjunct Uranus will shake things up like never before. Revolution is in the air and we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! She is a warrior goddess for Mother Nature mobilised to protec...
This New Moon augurs unexpected developments that may surprisingly ease progress despite conditions that indicate the opposite! Take nothing at face value right now. Remember, the universe is born of...
Reflection and receptivity are key to how this month unfolds. There will be great motivation to honour the truth, make decisions that serve it well and reflect our deepest knowing, no matter the immed...
If life has been somewhat puzzling of late, throwing up questions and queries we’ve struggled to address satisfactorily, this passage of Mercury retrograde offers hope in the form of new information,...
The Moon is full in the 3 rd degree of Scorpio at 5:25 UT on the 22nd of April 2016. It reminds us of the power of love to see us through darkness and its iconoclastic role in these changing times.
We may find ourselves strangely liberated by something which, to all intents and purposes, looked set to bind us. Things prove not to be as they seemed and a way through a particular challenge may mak...
Last month was fairly intense and may have left us feeling somewhat battle worn! Thankfully the second half of April provides ample opportunity to refresh and regroup, offering inner space in which to...
There is much to be seen and understood at this time. The floodgates holding back the unconscious are opened by this eclipse and we may feel overwhelmed by what comes pouring through. But remember, wh...
This is an eclipse of destiny, but not in the ‘pre-ordained there’s no avoiding it’ kind of way. We are our own destiny and this fact may become startlingly and unavoidably apparent at this time.
March continues and expands upon the central theme of February: the need to overcome complacency and take full responsibility for our lives, refusing to allow the future to be shaped by self-pity, stu...
Life, in all its often hectic confusion, can sometimes feel like a million individual plates we must keep spinning simultaneously or risk unbounded chaos, when in fact its disparate parts are simply m...
February may feel a lot more like the start of a new year than January did! With Mercury retrograde through much of last month we may have been busy tying up loose ends, sorting through matters that w...
This passage of Mercury speaks of unexpected and potentially very disruptive surprises which, nonetheless, lead to benefits in the long run. It may be hard to remember that, though, when life suddenly...
This January is very much a month of getting down to business whether that means sorting out cupboards, paying outstanding bills, catching up on correspondence or deciding, once and for all, which bit...
December begins, fittingly perhaps, with reflection and blasts from the past, reminding us that we don’t leave our former selves behind as we change and grow, but instead better assimilate them into t...
Welcome to the next major astrological event to shape our lives, ourselves and our world. Alignments such as this, between the slow moving outer planets, impact the very core of our being, catalysing...
We have a Lunar Eclipse in Aries occurring at a Super Moon on 27th/28th September 2015. The combination of the two creates a formidable force for change. This is a particularly powerful eclipse, set t...
Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and...
‘Gently does it’ is probably the best advice for the coming month, not to be confused with ‘don’t do anything’, which is most definitely not! There’s much to be done throughout August, as we initiate...
Venus in Leo is flamboyant and demonstrative, passionate and radiant, but in the subtle shaping hands of Virgo she knows that the most reliable self-confidence is born of detailed self-knowledge: fami...
The energy of the coming month is hard to pin down. Just when we feel we’ve ‘got’ what’s needed and know how to proceed it will slip through our fingers and we’ll be left wondering what just happened....
The month ahead comes with a fluid and creative underlying energy, gentle yet powerful, bringing to mind deep currents beneath a still surface. It’s time to embrace our creativity whatever that means...
Mercury stationed retrograde at 1:44 am GMT on 19th May 2015, and remains in its own sign, Gemini, throughout its retrograde passage. Practically speaking, this is an inquisitive Mercury, seeking info...
May 2015 raises the issue of relationship: with ourselves, each other and our environment both near and far. We simply cannot go it alone, is the basic message of this month, nor can we expect others...
Many people have been shaken awake, forced to confront themselves and their lives, the consequences of choices previously made and the impact of living a half-life in the shadows of possibility for so...
This month’s astrology has the feel of Fresher’s Week at university, when arriving students are oriented to their new life. Choices abound and the air is heavy with potential and possibility. Exciteme...
Throughout March the vestiges of the past arise once more for our attention. This is a month of tying up loose ends, the completion of lengthy processes and the review of progress thus far. This is ho...
You may be wondering what sign this New Moon is in and what’s a Black Moon? Answering the second question is easier than the first: a Black Moon is the second New Moon during the Sun’s journey through...
February looks set to be one of the most powerful months of the year. The change demanded by the burgeoning Aquarian Age blows apart preconceptions and prejudices, challenges long held notions of righ...
There is nowhere to hide as Mercury journeys retrograde in the coming weeks. Deceptions large and small will be revealed whether we like it or not, not to destroy those who perpetuate them (which we a...
This month we must look around with fresh eyes at those aspects of our lives we know best – be they physical possessions, thoughts, feelings or attachments – to establish which have outlived their use...
This month begins with an opportunity to look after each other and recognise the vulnerability of our shared humanity. We all have our own personal battles to fight, our fears and anxieties, shame and...
In November, Pluto aligns with Uranus and Chiron for a relationship which continues until February 2015. This alignment points a way through challenges and out the other side. It invites us to activel...
The first week of October plays out against the backdrop of a square between Mars and Chiron which reminds us that the imperative to heal comes hand in hand with the responsibility to do so not for ou...
After the intense pressure (both positive and negative) many have experienced during August, September 2014 comes as something of a relief! It offers a break of sorts during which we can catch our bre...
The first week of August 2014 is characterized by a combination of sensitivity and inner drive which could turn us into something of a martyr if we let it, but come August 4 th , Neptune begins to len...
This truth is of an order beyond all that appears so solid and real in our world. It throws everything into sharp relief as it reflects back to us the fleeting nature of anything which we dare to call...
Despite the obvious challenges of recovering from a heart attack, the blessings of this bizarre sequence of events are greater than the drawbacks. Suddenly being awakened to the presence of my physica...
The lunar eclipse takes place in the 25th degree of Capricorn on 16 July, 2019. Occurring less than two degrees away from the point of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020, it augurs approachi...
This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would ot...