Written and Narrated by Sarah Varcas.
All dates and times are UT so may vary in your time zone.
22nd August 2021: Blue Moon in 30th Degree of Aquarius
This blue moon completes a period of mental recalibration that began with last month’s full moon). Occurring in the final degree of Aquarius, it unlocks the most expansive mental planes that have largely lain neglected by humanity for way too long. Sometimes referred to as the ‘higher mind’, this is the part of us which sees with astounding clarity the nature of this world and the forces within it; the truth of ourselves and the drives within us; the nature of each other and the web that binds us in a shared destiny. This moon exposes, within and without, who and what is in the driving seat, and where they’ll take us if we let them!
The final degree of any sign is a point of great challenge and much power. Here we’re left with no choice but to deal with the issues raised, no matter how hard we try to avoid or wish them away with denial, transcendence or plain old suppression! We simply cannot avoid their presence. We must face up, stand up, show up. Swallow our pride and our fear, our ignorance and confusion, and offer ourself up to the purifying power of clear-seeing and complete embodiment of all that we are. No rose-tinted glasses or shadows of shame. Just you and me. Honest. Messed up, wound up, stitched up! So far from who we wanted to be, perhaps….but so deeply, beautifully and intimately who we actually are. In all our complicated glory!
The Long Con
This blue moon radiates the light of penetrating and expansive wisdom. The insights and experiences available at this time could change everything if we let them. But we may have to release some treasured beliefs, perspectives and self-images for them to do their work.
We are not who we thought we were. It’s that simple. And that devastating. Everything that we’ve built our life, our identity, our relationships around, is now up for review. Hold nothing back. Be prepared to let it all go if you must. The demands of these times are like none we have ever known. There is no escape, no get out of jail free card, no short cut to liberty.
We’ve been caught in a long con since forever: a convoluted game of fairground mirrors and mass deceptions. And let’s be honest: some of it has been really good fun! But it was only a game. Simply pretend. We’re approaching the exit gate of the human theme park with all its scary rides, thrilling challenges, sweet treats and disappointing misses. ...
Continue Reading at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)
Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay
About the Author
Sarah Varcas is an intuitive astrologer with a passion for applying planetary messages to the ups and downs of everyday life. In doing so she aims to support people in their personal and spiritual development, making available celestial wisdom which may otherwise be inaccessible for those without astrological expertise.
Sarah has studied astrology for over thirty years alongside an eclectic spiritual path spanning Buddhism, contemplative Christianity and many other diverse teachings and practices. She also offers an online (via email) Self-Study Astrology Course.
You can find out more about Sarah and her work at www.astro-awakenings.co.uk.