woman with eyes closed
 Image by Samuel F. Johanns 

In this article:

  • Discover the top ten obstacles to spiritual communication.
  • Learn how anger, fear, and sorrow block your connection.
  • Practical tips for opening your heart to signs and messages.
  • Strengthen your connection with your spiritual guides.

Top 10 Blocks to Connecting with Your Spiritual Guides

by Liliane Fortna, author of Winks from Above.

Several times in my life–sometimes for long periods–I have not been able to access my Guides. Yes, they were still there, but I couldn't sense them or acknowledge their presence. I let "issues," externally or internally induced, keep them behind the Veil.

What prevents us from seeing the Signs and connecting with our Guides? Blocks. Our Guides are always present, ready to communicate with us. Whether we do or not is up to us.

If we keep our heart open to the Signs and Synchronicities they place on our path, we succeed in receiving their Messages, and in doing so, we obtain the resources we need to help us navigate our life path. But if we close our heart, we miss the opportunity to see, interpret, accept, and use those Messages.

Communication Breakdown

Sometimes communication with our Guides is cut—not because they give up and stop watching over us, but because we are incapable of receiving their Messages. This happens:

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  • When our heart is so full of anger and hatred, it's closed. No light can get in, we are blind and deaf.

  • When our heart is so full of fear, we become petrified. We can't move in any direction except retreat deeper into our comfort zone.

  • When our heart is so full of sorrow, it's engrossed in soothing its own pain and no sensation of connection with our Guides is possible. We are numb.

  • When our heart is incapable of love towards ourselves, our daily life is full of misery. Failure is always waiting.

  • When our heart is so full of ourselves, no matter what our Guides try to convey, we look down on it. We may see the Signs, but our misguided sense of pride leads us to believe that we know better.

  • When our heart understands the Messages, but we feel that the action required is too hard, too much has to be changed, it's too inconvenient or a new path seems too difficult to follow. We do nothing.

  • When in our heart, we don't believe anything outside what we have learned through the teaching of our parents, the school, the church and/or our friends, we are blocked from taking the necessary steps to move forward on our life path. Our journey becomes singularly linear. No matter what happens, we will not venture on a new path, even if it leads to a better way for us to reach the end of our journey.

All the above block the Guiding Light, the Signs, the Messages to reach not only our heart but also our intuition and our inner voice. Our intuition is what connects us with our Guides and Angels on the other side of the Veil.

1. Procrastination

There are many different, often profound reasons for procrastination. Unfortunately, regardless of the reason, procrastination doesn't lead anywhere except to frustration, low self-esteem and sometimes even depression. It prevents the flow of creativity, which isn't conducive to opening up so we can see and receive Signs from Above. Messages from our Guides are often missed or misinterpreted, or worse, we see them but feel too lazy to follow their lead. We remind ourselves to get to it "someday..."

2. Self-Doubt/Impostor Syndrome

When we feel inadequate and unworthy, it's very difficult to trust our intuition. When we don't love and don't believe in ourselves, even if we see and are able to interpret the Signs, we can't believe our good fortune. We don't believe we deserve what's offered to us and we won't listen to what our voice of wisdom is telling us.

3. Depression

When we are so full of anguish or sorrow, and we feel helpless in front of the challenges we face, we might fall into depression. This creates a thick grey cloud between us and our Guides. No matter how many Signs are placed on our path, how many Messages we receive through our intuition, dreams, etc., no light can come through and we remain impervious to what our Guides are trying to tell us.

Although I couldn't have explained it then, this is exactly what I experienced when I had depression. It felt like, for a long period, the light guiding me on my path faded to nothingness. I realized later I was going through the "growing pains" of becoming aware that I was more than my physical body. This period of transition wasn't easy, but even though I couldn't see where I was going for a while, I gradually rediscovered all the necessary tools to progress. My major depression was not only the end of that cycle, it also was the beginning of an incredible, productive new phase.

4. Focusing on the Past or the Future

It's important to remember to keep our mind, our heart, our whole being open. This is difficult to maintain if we continue to relive our past or project ourselves into a bleak, imagined future. In both cases, it will, most of the time, lead us into a place of regret, anger, or yearning for what never was or never will be.

The present is where we are able to walk with serenity in our heart. Staying present and in the present helps alleviate the burden we carry when navigating a difficult period. The change may not be apparent right away, but it will lighten the weight we have in our hearts. It will also foster a heightened sense of hope and help us see the Signs, sense the presence of our Guides and Angels, and ease the pain we are experiencing.

This does not mean we won't have to experience pain. It's just that spending time in the present will let us find respite and a sense of peace, easing that pain, at least for a while. Being in the present isn't about focusing on the pain we're experiencing, instead it's focusing our attention and our energy on what we see, what we feel, what we hear, and what our intuition is telling us at that moment. This heightened awareness can divert us from our pain, even if it's excruciating, for a brief period.

More importantly, the more we slip back into the past or project ourselves into the future without considering what the present is telling us, the more it's bound to blind us to whatever is placed in our path. It keeps us prisoner. We are trapped in our own lower self.

Remember, we are more than what we think we are. We are beings of light, and to keep our light shining bright, we need to be in the present. When faced with adversity, rather than let our light become dim, we must strive to keep it shining bright. It's necessary to become and remain a beacon of peace and hope to others.

5. Fear

Following Divine guidance isn't always comfortable. It sometimes requires courage to get out of our comfort zone and have the strength to change our path so that we can shift to move in an unfamiliar direction. A dramatic change can be exciting but also very scary. The unknown often is. And sometimes, that fear can get in the way.

Someone made a very clever acronym with the word: False Evidence Appearing Real. As long as we're under the grip of fear, believing that false evidence, it's very difficult to clearly see what steps need to be taken to make changes. Our inner wisdom and our Spirit Guides are tuned out. Our guiding light is very dim or off. 

6. Hatred and/or Anger

When we are full of hatred or anger, we’re enveloped by the same kind of thick grey cloud that wraps around us during depression. We are so disturbed by our strong negative emotions that it becomes impossible to think with clarity. It makes us blind and deaf, rendering us incapable of seeing Signs and understanding Messages. While we have still not been abandoned by our Guides and Angels, we cannot feel their loving presence and guidance.

7. Negativity

Negativity begets negativity. This state of mind shades everything we do with darkness and closes our being, our soul, to any connection with our Guides and Angels. Signs and Messages are either not seen or are misinterpreted in a negative way. We can't avoid having bad days altogether, but we owe it to ourselves to keep our distance from negative people.

8. Preconceived Notions

A preconceived idea of how a Sign will appear might prevent us from seeing it altogether. Signs and Messages show up in so many different forms. It could be a word, a repetition of numbers, an animal, a situation, an association of ideas, an encounter, etc. If you expect Signs to take a specific form, you might miss them, either partially or entirely. So, it's essential to keep a very open mind and heart. Also, remember that imagination is a very powerful tool and is often needed to help us interpret what we see.

9. Lack of Flexibility

Sometimes it can feel like it's too hard to change the course of our life. It demands too many sacrifices, and sometimes, it takes courage to accept changes. The road to reach our goals isn't always a straight path. Many hurdles and unexpected events prevent us from going all the way to the end.

Even when Signs are clear and easily understood, the realization of what it would take to reach what we desire is scary. We don't want to go down that path and we keep finding reasons why we shouldn't. So, we don't.

10. Setbacks

A promotion we don't get, a friend who disappears from our lives, an unexpected illness, etc. All of these can make us feel abandoned by the Universe and our Spirit Guides. It's normal to feel disappointed, sad, or scared when faced with such situations. However, when the initial disappointment and pain subside, we can have a better vision of what the unwanted event means.

A promotion not attained might prepare us for a better position, another opportunity. A friendship that fades away might not be useful or appropriate in our life anymore. An illness might indicate an underlying condition, physical or even sometimes emotional.

Like when my husband and I lost the dream home we were planning to buy, only to find a better one for us. Sometimes a disappointment is just opening the door to an even more desirable opportunity.

Only when we open our heart to all possibilities can we see the many Signs our Guides place before us. Only then are their Messages visible to us so we can understand them and take action as necessary.

Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission from the book, Winks from Above.

Article Source:

BOOK: Winks from Above

Winks from Above: Opening Up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day
by Liliane Fortna.

This delightfully written book invites you to live day to day with conscious knowing that can open you up to limitless possibilities. Energy healer Liliane Fortna has been in contact with her Guides and Angels since early childhood. She offers many wonderful examples of the magic and support in her life that is available to you in your life.

In Winks from Above, you will discover the importance of paying attention to the signs and synchronicities all around you and how to interpret them to create miracles in your life.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.

photo of Liliane FortnaAbout the Author

Liliane Fortna has been a professional contemporary dancer (performing in both Europe and the US), European fashion model, fashion consultant, and Amazon rain forest explorer. Since early childhood, she also has been in contact with her Guides and Angels. In 2008 she felt compelled to shift her focus and has subsequently been an Energy Healer in both Europe and the United States, having received her education in France, Belgium and the United States. 

For more info, visit WinksFromAbove.com/

Article Recap:

Staying connected with our spiritual guides requires an open heart and a willingness to overcome the obstacles that block our communication. By addressing issues such as anger, fear, sorrow, and preconceived notions, we can clear the path for meaningful guidance. Remember, our guides are always present and ready to help; it is up to us to remain receptive and attentive to their signs and messages.