Image by Arek Socha

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Tools are useful things... whether we are speaking of physical tools like hammers or computers to create physical things, keys to unlock doors and open to new adventures, or energetic tools to enhance our emotional, spiritual, and physical self. This week we present some tools... and some of them are in the form of "rules" or guidelines for living.

Earlier this week, we had a new moon, which is a symbol of "new beginnings" and Sarah Varcas takes us though the energies of this new moon in "New Moon in Virgo: Perfection at the Heart of our Imperfect Lives". We then continue our journey with the enticement of a story by Rumi who presents subtle suggestions of how to live in community and in harmony in "The Universality of A Good Story: The World According to Rumi".

We then ask: "Is There A Magic Formula? Meditation, Mindfulness, and Essential Oils" and while the author says there is no "magical formula", she presents some keys to living that will assist us on our way. And still on the path searching for useful tools, we discover "The Do's and Don'ts of Empathy" as well as "The Five 'Rules' on the Path of Surrender, Awakening, and Responsibility".

And as many of us feel an affinity with animals, whether our pets or animals in the wild, we present the "Interspecies Bond: Animal Connection and Healing Technique" which contains a meditative and healing process for connecting with animals.

And of course, Pam Younghans rounds up the articles with the "Astrological Journal for the Week" where she writes: "If you know where you want to go, and what you want to create, this is a great week to make progress in that direction..." And she recommends that we "...hold strong in our integrity, stay on track with our ideals, and focus on each step we need to take along the yellow brick road that leads to our higher goal."

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Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

I wish you a powerful week of awareness and creativity (to create the life you desire) throughout this new month of September (and beyond),

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

New Moon in Virgo: Perfection at the Heart of our Imperfect Lives

Written by Sarah Varcas

New Moon in Virgo: Perfection at the Heart of our Imperfect Lives

This super new moon in the 7th degree of Virgo – conjunct Venus, Mars & Mercury – is a cleansing moon. Virgo is a deeply healing sign imbued with ancient knowledge often lost to us in favour of modern reductionist approaches to health.

The Universality of A Good Story: The World According to Rumi

Written by Maryam Mafi

The Universality of A Good Story: The World According to Rumi

The universality of a good story serves to demonstrate that we’re not so different from our counterparts across the globe, which in turn prompts us to empathize with the “other” to the extent that we will eventually feel as the “other”; thus, respect and empathy are the inevitable by-products of this process.

Is There A Magic Formula? Meditation, Mindfulness, and Essential Oils

Written by Heather Dawn Godfrey

Is There A Magic Formula? Meditation, Mindfulness, and Essential Oils

At my age, I am aware that there is no magic formula, and that life is a journey. We each travel on our own path, which may sometimes be easy and sometimes difficult to tread. However, there are positive and negative ways of coping with the stresses and joys of everyday life.

The Do's and Don'ts of Empathy

Written by Raven Digitalis

The Do's and Don'ts of Empathy

Empathy is everywhere. In many ways, empathy is the social glue that holds everybody together. Empathy is a social experience that involves feeling external emotional energy to the point of mirroring an emotion and taking it into one’s own experience.

The Five "Rules" on the Path of Surrender, Awakening, and Responsibility

Written by Will Johnson

The Five

No one can give you a specific technique for how to surrender. You have to find out for yourself what surrender is, and the way you respond to the felt current of the life force as it makes its way through the conduit of your body will be unique to you. Your dance won’t look like anybody else’s...

Interspecies Bond: Animal Connection and Healing Technique

Written by Niki J. Senior

Interspecies Bond: Animal Connection and Healing Technique

Connecting with animals involves so much more than petting, grooming, rewarding, or feeding. Connecting in a profound way strengthens the inseparable bond we already have with our ani­mal friends. For me, the deep bond enables me to understand animals better, on every single level: behaviorally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Funerals Of The Future? Sweden Sees Sharp Rise In Burials Without Ceremony

Funerals Of The Future? Sweden Sees Sharp Rise In Burials Without Ceremony

by Anne-Christine Hornborg

The number of people who bury their dead relatives without any official ceremony is increasing rapidly in Sweden, up…

Why Do People Believe In Curses?

Why Do People Believe In Curses?

by Ken Drinkwater and Neil Dagnall

Strictly Come Dancing, the TV show which pairs celebrities with professional dancers to compete in a ballroom dancing…

Changing The Gender Stereotypes In Music

Changing The Gender Stereotypes In Music

by Robbie MacKay

In 2019, surely we are past the days in music class where boys are shunted to drums and trombone while girls are pushed…

Following the successful Brexit campaign, Dominic Cummings – the then campaign director of Vote Leave – published a series of blog posts describing how the campaign was run and what his plans were for a successful civil service.

What If We Ran Society Not Based On The Market But On Evidence?

by Spyros Samothrakis

Following the successful Brexit campaign, Dominic Cummings – the then campaign director of Vote Leave – published a…

A New Solution For America's Empty Churches: A Change Of Faith

A New Solution For America's Empty Churches: A Change Of Faith

by Ashima Krishna

Over the past few decades, vacant and underutilized churches have become a familiar sight in American cities.

Should Parents Help Their Kids With Homework?

Should Parents Help Their Kids With Homework?

by Daniel Hamlin

Schools across the country encourage parents to help their children with homework.

Taking Opioids For Chronic Pain: Here's What The Experts Recommend

Taking Opioids For Chronic Pain: Here's What The Experts Recommend

by Lesley Colvin and Blair H. Smith

Chronic pain – acute pain that lasts for longer than three months – affects around one in five people in Europe.

Teens Who Hit Puberty Later Could Face Bone Health Issues Later In Life

by Ahmed Elhakeem

Puberty is a time of dramatic development for both boys and girls. Not only are those hormones raging, but there’s all…

Greta Thunberg Made It To New York Emissions-free – But The Ocean Doesn't Yet Hold The Key To Low-carbon Travel

Greta Thunberg Made It To New York Emissions-free – But The Ocean Doesn't Yet Hold The Key To Low-carbon Travel

by Steve Fletcher

I have travelled from Plymouth to the UN headquarters in New York many times, often to discuss how to protect the…

What's The Most Dangerous Day Of The Year? Watch Out On These Ones

What's The Most Dangerous Day Of The Year? Watch Out On These Ones

by Nathan Birdsall and Stuart Kirby

Society has become increasingly preoccupied with risk. So it’s unsurprising that as social scientists, we are…

5 Things To Do Before You Die

5 Things To Do Before You Die

by Hui Yun Chan

Many people who are struck with sudden, progressive or terminal illness are kept alive mechanically, while families and…

The Science Behind Diet Trends Like Mono, Charcoal Detox, Noom And Fast800

The Science Behind Diet Trends Like Mono, Charcoal Detox, Noom And Fast800

by Clare Collins et al.

Every year a new batch of diets become trendy. In the past, the blood group, ketogenic, Pioppi and gluten-free diets…

Children Who Have Afternoon School Breaks Are Fitter

Children Who Have Afternoon School Breaks Are Fitter

by Sinead Brophy, et al.

Afternoon breaks were once a common feature of nearly all primary school timetables.

Why Do So Many Working Class Americans Feel Politics Is Pointless?

Why Do So Many Working Class Americans Feel Politics Is Pointless?

by Nick Lehr

In sociologist Jennifer Silva’s first book, “Coming Up Short,” she interviewed working-class young adults in Lowell,…

5 Weird And Wonderful Ways Nature Is Being Harnessed To Build A Sustainable Fashion Industry

5 Weird And Wonderful Ways Nature Is Being Harnessed To Build A Sustainable Fashion Industry

by Chetna Prajapati

One of the greatest challenges faced by the textiles and fashion industry is to make itself more sustainable, not just…

Aboriginal Star Names Now Recognised By The World's Astronomical Body

Aboriginal Star Names Now Recognised By The World's Astronomical Body

by Duane W. Hamacher

|Four stars in the night sky have been formally recognised by their Australian Aboriginal names.

Teen Girls Face Pressure To Get Pregnant

Teen Girls Face Pressure To Get Pregnant

by Kristen Parker

Teen girls experience relationship abuse at alarming rates, according to a new study that specifically focuses on…


Why A Glass Of Red Wine Is Good For Your Gut

Why A Glass Of Red Wine Is Good For Your Gut

by Caroline Le Roy and Tim Spector

Alcohol consumption guidelines vary widely between countries. In the UK and Netherlands, no more than one glass of wine…

5 Dark Warnings From The World Of Classic Science Fiction

5 Dark Warnings From The World Of Classic Science Fiction

by Mike Ryder

Science fiction is brimming with visions of the future and the many wondrous things the human race can achieve.

5 Things To Consider Before Taking Out A Student Loan

5 Things To Consider Before Taking Out A Student Loan

by David J. Nguyen, Katie N. Smith and Monnica Chan

16.9 million. That’s how many students are going to college at the undergraduate level this fall.

Why Wildfire Health Hazards Extend Hundreds Of Miles

Why Wildfire Health Hazards Extend Hundreds Of Miles

by Adam Dove

Fire emissions from wildfires can contribute to cardiovascular disease hundreds of miles from the flames, according to…

Peru's Ancient Water Systems Can Help Protect Communities From Shortages Caused By Climate Change

Peru's Ancient Water Systems Can Help Protect Communities From Shortages Caused By Climate Change

by Susan Conlon and Kevin Lane

Water is essential for human life, but in many parts of the world water supplies are under threat from more extreme,…

Moving To Another Country Could Mess With Your Gut Bacteria

Moving To Another Country Could Mess With Your Gut Bacteria

by Chloe James and Ian Goodhead

Moving to a new country can be challenging, not just for us but also for our bacteria.

What Are Fasting Diets And Do They Help You Lose Weight?

What Are Fasting Diets and Do They Help You Lose Weight?

by Clare Collins

Trying to lose weight is hard work. You need to plan meals and snacks, and make a big effort to avoid situations that…

Do Alcohol's Calories End Up On Your Waistline?

Do Alcohol's Calories End Up On Your Waistline?

by Veronique Chachay

Alcoholic drinks should all carry calorie counts according to a leading UK public health doctor writing in the BMJ…

What's Private Depends On Who You Are And Where You Live

What's Private Depends On Who You Are And Where You Live

by Richard Wilk

Citizens and policymakers around the world are grappling with how to limit companies’ use of data about individuals –…

Sex Robots Increase The Potential For Gender-Based Violence

Sex Robots Increase The Potential For Gender-Based Violence

by Judy Illes and Farhad R. Udwadia

Sex robots made headlines after American comedian Whitney Cummings brought out her very own lookalike robot for her…

Why Beer Has A Sexism Problem

Why Beer Has A Sexism Problem

by Chris Land

When CAMRA, the UK real ale campaign group, decided to ban beers with sexist names and labels from the Great British…

How To Have An All Renewable Electric Grid

How To Have An All Renewable Electric Grid

by David Timmons

The main solution to climate change is well known – stop burning fossil fuels.

A Weak Handgrip May Warn Of Cognitive Impairment

A Weak Handgrip May Warn of Impaired Cognition and Memory

by Laura Bailey

Poor handgrip may be a sign of impaired cognition and memory among older adults, research suggests.

We Built A Network Of Greenhouses And Rain Shelters To Simulate What Climate Change Will Do To Soils

We Built A Network Of Greenhouses And Rain Shelters To Simulate What Climate Change Will Do To Soils

by Anna Hopkins, et al

As most of the science community knows, the climate emergency is here now. Weather extremes such as droughts and…

How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned?

How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

by Arosha Weerakoon

If you went to your dentist for a check-up and dental clean in the last year, give yourself a pat on the back.

Is Moderate Drinking Good For Me?

Is Moderate Drinking Good For You?

by Hassan Vally

For the past three decades or so, the conventional wisdom has been that drinking alcohol at moderate levels is good for…

Why Speaking To Yourself In The Third Person Makes You Wiser

Why Speaking To Yourself In The Third Person Makes You Wiser

by David Robson

We credit Socrates with the insight that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living' and that to ‘know thyself’ is the…

These 5 Foods Are Claimed To Improve Our Health

These 5 Foods Are Claimed To Improve Our Health

by Emma Beckett and Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz

Food gives us the nutrients we need to survive, and we know a balanced diet contributes to good health.

What Are The Risks Of Drinking Before You Know You're Pregnant?

What Are The Risks Of Drinking Before You Know You're Pregnant?

by Diana Lucia and Karen Moritz

It is well established that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have detrimental effects on the developing foetus.

Making Money Off Of Politics Isn't New – It Was Business As Usual In The Gilded Age

Making Money Off Of Politics Isn't New – It Was Business As Usual In The Gilded Age

by Jeff Broxmeyer

When the political leader “Boss” Tweed was arrested in New York on corruption charges in the fall of 1871, among his…

Locking Up Kids Damages Their Mental Health And Sets Them Up For More Disadvantage

Locking Up Kids Damages Their Mental Health and Sets Them Up For More Disadvantage

by Eileen Baldry and Chris Cunneen

Reports this week of an Indigenous boy with a disability held naked for days in a Brisbane police cell have once again…

Myths About Disaster Survivors Stall The Global Response To Climate Change

Myths About Disaster Survivors Stall The Global Response To Climate change

by Yvonne Su

The 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body that assesses climate…

How Conserving Nature's Umbrella Species Could Benefit Whole Habitats

How Conserving Nature's Umbrella Species Could Benefit Whole Habitats

by Robert Hawkes

In conservation, charismatic mammals and birds such as the black rhinoceros and the capercaillie get a lot of…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: September 2 to 8, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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