young woman with eyes closed and face turned up to the sky
Image by Ri Butov

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

July 22, 2024

The focus for today is:

I choose to experience
a life-changing amount of peace
during my daily life.

Today's inspiration was written by Sandy C. Newbigging:

Over the years I’ve observed a collectively held belief within the global population: “How I feel is their fault.” Meaning: what someone else said or didn’t say, or what they did or didn’t do, are the cause of my lack of inner peace. This is the not the case.

Your emotions are due to something that is going on within you, and not outside of you. A button has been pressed inside you. You are feeling what you are feeling because you are currently feeling your thinking. No button, no emotional reaction.

Now I appreciate if, for example, someone is in your face, then you may well feel something “negative” in these moments. I’m referring here to the rest of the time, when the moment has passed, but you are still feeling bad. If we eliminated the hurt, sadness, anger etc. brought on by thinking about the past or future, then we would experience a life-changing amount of peace during daily life.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
    The Safe Place: Why The Present Is A Place Of Peace
     Written by Sandy C. Newbigging.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of choosing inner peace (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
Years ago, a friend and co-worker said something to me that has stayed with me ever since. In response to my making a comment that she'd pushed my buttons, she said: "If you didn't have any buttons, I couldn't push them." This was one of those "ah-ha" moments. A light went on inside of me, and I've been aware ever since (except when I forget) that when I'm triggered by what someone says or does, that's because the trigger is within me, not them. They may be pulling the trigger, but if I didn't have a trigger, they wouldn't be able to do so. I hold the power to my own self... not anyone else. And the same, of course, applies to you.

Our focus for today: I choose to experience a life-changing amount of peace during my daily life.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

 * * *


Mind Detox: Discover and Resolve the Root Causes of Chronic Conditions and Persistent Problems
(2nd Edition, Revised Edition of Heal the Hidden Cause)
by Sandy C. Newbigging.

Mind Detox by Sandy C. Newbigging.Providing a powerful way to let go of emotional baggage, release toxic beliefs, and clear the mental blocks to your goals, this 5-step guide empowers you to rewrite your past, find resolution for negative experiences, and use your newly cleansed mind to achieve brilliant success in all areas of life, along with happiness, wealth, and well-being.

Click here for more Info and/or to Order this book. Also available in eTextbook format.

About the Author

Sandy C. Newbigging is the creator of the Mind Detox and Mind Calm methodsSandy C. Newbigging is the creator of the Mind Detox and Mind Calm methods, a meditation teacher and author of several books, including Life-Changing Weight Loss, Life Detox, New Beginnings, Peace for Life, and Thunk!  Recently commended by the Federation of Holistic Therapists as ‘Tutor of the Year’, he runs residential retreats internationally and trains Practitioners via his Academy. His work has been seen on television worldwide. Visit his website at