young girl running joyfully in a meadow
Image by dana279 from Pixabay

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 24, 2024

The focus for today is:

Before I fulfill a craving, I ask myself: "What do I really need?"

Today's inspiration was written by Lisa Masé:

When we reach for a treat or crave a certain food, what do we really need? Try to stop, take a breath, and ask yourself this question before you eat.

Sometimes you might just need water, movement, fresh air, or rest. Cravings can be authentic messages from the body asking for nourishment, or they can be related to emotional, scheduled, or associa­tive hunger.

The better we listen to the body, the better we can discern which kind of craving is happening.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     About Cravings: What Is It We REALLY Need?
     Written by Lisa Masé.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of tuning in to your real needs (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
I remember as a young adult that at "that time of month" I would crave dried figs. And I would eat them in quantity which had a negative side effect due to the high sugar-content. But my body was trying to tell me something. It needed minerals that figs carry in high quantity: potassium, calcium, magnesium. (These minerals have been shown to reduce, alleviate, and regulate the severity of PMS symptoms.) But the sugar content in the figs negated the good effect of the minerals, and actually made the PMS worse. Yet my body knew it needed the minerals and I interpreted that as "eat more figs". But perhaps if I had asked myself "What do I really need?" I would have realized it was not dried figs that I needed, but the minerals that are found in figs - and I could have found a healthier, less sugar-laden source. 

Our focus for today: Before I fulfill a craving, I ask myself: "What do I really need?".

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: The Culinary Pharmacy

The Culinary Pharmacy: Intuitive Eating, Ancestral Healing, and Your Personal Nutrition Plan
by Lisa Masé

Exploring the healing power of food, holistic nutritionist Lisa Masé weaves together three ancestral healing philosophies—Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and the Mediterranean way of eating—with modern nutrition science to help you discover your ideal foods for vibrant health.

The author provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions for determining your unique constitution and how best to heal yourself. Discussing the energetics of food, Lisa explains the importance of personalized nutrition based on genetics, epigenetics, intuitive eating, and seasonal, local foods. Throughout the book, Lisa shares recipes, food lists, meal plans, and stories. Showing how to simplify your eating to cultivate wellness, this engaging and comprehensive guide to the culinary pharmacy provides all the knowledge and tools necessary to help you make your food your medicine.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here Also available as a Kindle edition

photo of author, Lisa MaséAbout the Author

Lisa Masé (they/she) is a nutritionist, herbalist, and food sovereignty activist. Lisa emigrated to the States from Italy and now homesteads on unceded Abenaki land with a partner and two children. Lisa is passionate about poetry, woods walking, travel, translation, meditation, and community weaving. Lisa's practice, both 1:1 and in group classes, focuses on holding space for personal empowerment and self discovery.

Learn more at