young Indian woman in deep reflection
Image by Zafer from Pixabay

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

April 25, 2024

The focus for today is:

Inner joy and peace are states of consciousness
that I have access to daily.

Today's inspiration was written by Nicole Goott:

Human beings by nature seek meaning in all that they experience. There is a shared fundamental curiosity, a desire to learn, to understand, and to know.

Whilst the views may vary, all traditions and religions share an underlying structure that provides a view around which individuals may orient themselves for a sense of direction. Spiritual practice at its heart is the path that brings an individual closer to their own soul and closer to the Source of All Being.

Inner joy and peace are states of consciousness that we have access to daily. The greater the flow of life force and vitality, the closer we move toward the experiences of inner joy and peace.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Finding Balance and Joy with the Wisdom of the Five Elements
     Written by Nicole Goott.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of inner joy and peace (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
As I was listening to my mental chatter the other day (a task I highly recommend as it can be mind-blowing and enlightening) I found that I often used the expression "I hate..." as in I hate when the garden hose gets a kink in it, or I hate when the weeds take over the garden, or I hate when it's cold outside, etc. etc.  So, I realized that if the world is a reflection of our thoughts, here I was putting out all these "hatreds" out into the world. So I decided I would, from now on, rephrase that to "I prefer when...." (I prefer when the hose has no kinks, or I prefer when the garden is weed-free, etc. etc.) Rephrasing those thoughts (inner chatter) produced a much better energy and my heart immediately felt lighter and more at peace. So you might want to check your inner chatter and see what it is you're been telling yourself. Rather than hatred (of even small things), I choose peace, I choose joy, I choose Love and Acceptance.

Our focus for today: Inner joy and peace are states of consciousness that I have access to daily.

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RELATED BOOK: Yoga and the Five Elements

Yoga and the Five Elements: Spiritual Wisdom for Everyday Living
by Nicole Goott.

book cover of: Yoga and the Five Elements by Nicole Goott.Who am I? What is my purpose in life? These are timeless questions. Indian philosophy and the yoga tradition offer a comprehensive understanding of the human being, from its conception of the mind to the nature of the soul, a path of self-discovery and doorway to inner liberation. With a fresh and modern interpretation of the five elements -- earth, water, air, fire, and space -- readers are presented with a practical and accessible approach to knowing themselves more deeply, illuminating how we might see other people with more compassion, tolerance, and acceptance.

With a framework that integrates the physical body with the inner terrain of the subtle bodies, Yoga and the Five Elements is an ideal guide for yoga practitioners and teachers to explore a modern interpretation of ancient wisdom. For contemporary spiritual seekers and individuals with no background or experience with yoga, Yoga and the Five Elements offers an imminently practical approach to self-development.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo fo Nicole (Nicci) Goott Nicole (Nicci) Goott is a passionate and dedicated teacher, motivated to guide others in their journey of self-discovery and how to live a joy-filled life. Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nicole moved to the United States when she was twenty-four years old, following an inner call to discover her dharma. Her teaching, mentoring, and healing approach reflects a fusion and synthesis of more than two decades of study in Yoga, Ayurveda, and related healing arts practices, as well as mindfulness-based approaches to self-healing. 

For more information, visit