What Is Your Carbon Footprint? Calculate it here!

We all contribute to global warming, climate change, the greenhouse effect, etc. by whatever name you choose to call the climate's trajectory these days. And for those of us who are aware of the issues and do our best to live sustainably, we might think that our carbon footprint is tiny compared to our neighbors or co-workers. But is it, really?

The Nature Conservancy has prepared an interactive page which calculates your carbon footprint based on your answers to questions. They also give you the option of contributing to The Nature Conservancy and they will use your contribution to offset your carbon footprint.

THE NATURE CONSERVANCY - What's My Carbon Footprint?

Inevitably, in going about our daily lives — commuting, sheltering our families, eating — each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change. Yet, there are many things each of us, as individuals, can do to reduce our carbon emissions. The choices we make in our homes, our travel, the food we eat, and what we buy and throw away all influence our carbon footprint and can help ensure a stable climate for future generations...

Click here to continue to the Carbon Footprint Calculator.