a man standing in front of the sun with arms wide open

In this Article:

  • How can you evolve and become a human angel?
  • What are the key methods for transformation and global awakening?
  • Understanding the ancient alchemical metaphor of transforming lead into gold
  • Exploring the current global transformation from patriarchal to fluid feminine systems
  • The importance of transformation for creating a compassionate and connected society

How to Evolve and Become a Human Angel

by Alexandra Wenman.

In this time of global awakening, as we raise our individual and collective consciousness, we are able to perceive and access information that was previously unavailable to us. Along with more people becoming aware of the existence of Angels and other high-frequency light guides, as a collective, we are also becoming more aware of our innate gifts and angelic qualities. As we open our hearts to higher love and soften into deeper compassion, we awaken to a much greater truth—the truth that we ourselves are divine, and we are all connected through a unified field of unconditional love. 

Love is the very fabric our universe is built on, and it is visible in the patterns of nature. Sacred geometry, as shown by the Fibonacci sequence and equations such as the Golden Mean, is revealed to us in the unfolding petals of a rose, the seeds of a sunflower, and the spiral of a pine cone. The blossoming rose is also a beautiful symbol of the opening heart of humanity, the divine feminine and the ever-expanding universe, which is reflected in our ever-evolving search for greater knowledge and wisdom. 

A Rapid Acceleration In Our Collective Evolution

The Ascension, otherwise known as “The Quickening”, is a rapid acceleration in our collective evolution. It is bringing with it a remembering and reawakening of our lost or forgotten knowledge, practices, and abilities, all of which are part of our original blueprint. Gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance (inner sight), clairaudience (the ability to hear messages from spirit and our higher self) and clairsentience (tuning into the feelings of others or sensing the energy of a place with our emotions) are just some of the byproducts of this raising of our collective vibration. 

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The way to access our divinity is through opening our hearts and following our own unique calling and desires. No two human beings are the same, and we were not all created to fit into the same box. The unified divine mind of humanity is like a beautiful crystal or diamond, with each individual a unique shining facet of that diamond. If all the faces were the same, the light wouldn’t fractal in the same way and the diamond would be lackluster indeed. 

You become more angelic and access your true god-self when you say yes to the calling of your heart and follow your own will, authority, and guidance over and above the advice, viewpoints, or agendas of another. So long as we do no harm, we are meant to be free to experience our own unique version of heaven on this earth. The more we say yes to that inner calling, the more we inspire others to do the same.

Spreading Our Wings

What sets one person’s heart on fire may seem boring to someone else. We have been conditioned to ignore that calling in favour of trying to fit in and, as a result, many of us have kept ourselves small. What a shame it would have been if the likes of Mozart or Beethoven hadn’t chosen to share their gifts! 

When we throw caution to the wind and have the courage to spread our proverbial wings, we don’t just benefit ourselves. Like Olympic athletes who are constantly besting their last performance and that of their competitors, as a human race, we are inspiring each other and pushing ourselves to new capabilities, accessing our inner genius and achieving incredible feats of mastery. Look at how rapidly we have moved forward in terms of technology alone in the past one hundred years. Video calling was once something we could only witness while watching sci-fi films and now we use it every day to contact our families and loved ones.

Becoming Aware of Our Angelic Aspects

As we become aware of the angelic aspects of ourselves, we realize that we, too, are part of the angelic kingdom, and we help to create that kingdom right here in our daily, earthly lives. We are then able to know ourselves as divine, and we tap into our inner power of manifestation and co-creation.

When you realize that every bit of your life, the world, and your experiences has been created by you on some level, you are no longer a passive bystander, seemingly without much influence in the way your life journey unfolds. This realization enables you to take back your power, so you can steer your life in the direction you choose it to go.

Earth Angels are naturally empathic people that want the best for themselves and everyone else. What is the best possible version of Earth you can imagine? Every time you imagine this, you help to steer the whole world towards our highest potential future. 

What world, then, will you go forth and create? 

Watch your words

Your words open doorways within your heart. Which doorways would you like to create—doorways to bliss or doorways to pain?

The karma now playing out on this planet is a result of the actions of those who have attempted to misuse the secret codes of power gifted to this realm in ancient times. They are few in number, yet the results of their greed will be catastrophic for the world of blindness they have built up around them. Do not be afraid, for this is a great blessing and will lead to freedom for all. The time is now.

But be warned: Only the pure of heart may enter. If you dabble in higher states of consciousness out of greed or the need to control others, great will be the fall.

Behind the veil lies a truth beyond your current comprehension, but only one of you needs to unlock it for the rest to reap the rewards. This is the Holy Grail, this is the Ark of the Covenant, this is Jacob’s Ladder, this is Shamballa, this is Utopia. This is all there is. It is really so simple. Seek, go on seeking, and surely you shall find. It begins with you. It is not separate from you.

Worlds within worlds, universes within universes, realms within realms—how vast you are, and yet how tiny you humans keep yourselves. Awaken and expand into your vastness. Awaken into love.

The way is open.

The time is now

What is it you are waiting for? Begin your journey! Your heart holds all the answers you seek and the world is waiting for your message. You have gifts you need to share like secret pearls hidden within a shell.

Crack open that hard shell that you have kept around you like some form of protection. Only this shell is no protection you need. It is merely the limiting shell of your fears and doubts, your limiting patterns, programmes, and beliefs. 

Break out of that limiting space! Crack open that shell. Release your fears, and fly into the light. Spread your wings into the glorious sunshine of a new dawn, and take flight! 

We understand that there are many lifetimes of this fear that you have accumulated, and so your layers of protection resemble the layers of sediment on an oyster shell. Layer by layer, as you consciously let in more light, more love, and the more you listen to the calling of your truth and the song of your heart, you will begin shedding these layers. 

All you need do is set the intention that you are ready to let go of all that has been holding you back. It is that simple! 

Ask for our assistance, and the assistance of the Angels and councils of light, and we will bring more light into your body, mind, heart, and soul. 

Just think it to begin it. 

Will it to be so, and then just let go.

The Cracks are Showing

Everyone on this planet will have to go through this great shedding, as there is too much light now to sustain the deep levels of fear that have bound this paradigm and this reality together. This way of being is now outdated. The cracks are showing! 

Set your sights on the light. As much as you can, visualize yourself enveloped in pure light. Breathe it in. Take it into your heart. Open your heart like a blossoming flower of light—light coming in from infinite Source above and Mother Earth below, and flowing into and out of your heart with each breath, the pure light of love. 

As you receive it, so shall you give it, and the more you give, the more you shall receive. This is the key to breaking down your outdated layers of fear, limiting beliefs, unbalanced ego, and the illusion of protection.

When you stand in the pure light of love, you shall need no protection, for love is all you will be, and so love is all you will see and experience. 

Staying on Track and Living In Light

In truth, you can never really stray from your path, but you must consciously intend to stay on it for it to flow. You can choose to exercise your free will and act against it, but this will only make the process feel more difficult for you and then your guides and Angels will have to intervene to bring you back on track. This can be painful, as you try so hard to hold on to that which is not serving you but which creates an illusion of comfort and safety.

You feel you need to cling to the material as, up till now, you think that is all you know. But the sense of freedom you will have will be far more liberating, supportive, and comforting, if you only learn to let go.  

The best course of action is to surrender to the light. Devote your life to love, and let go of any ideas you have as to how that will play out in your earthly reality. Your higher self has it all in hand, so relax into the light, and let your focus be on the now moment. And, in every now moment, set the intention to give and receive vaster and vaster quantities of light.

Live in light. 

That is truly all we ask. It is so simple. That is the way of the heart, and that is the key to en-“light”-enment.

Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of the publisher,
Findhorn Press, an imprint of InnerTraditions.com.

Article Source:

BOOK: Archangel Alchemy Healing

Archangel Alchemy Healing: The Celestial Science in the Vibration of the Universe
by Alexandra Wenman.

Archangel Alchemy is an angelic energy healing system that aligns you with the angelic kingdom and allows you to connect with your purest divine blueprint. Providing meditations, invocations, channeled guidance, and healing practices, Alexandra Wenman shows you how to tap into your own magical and healing gifts by experiencing and embodying angelic qualities and vibrations.

With numerous practical applications, this comprehensive guide enables anyone to harness the power of angelic energies to heal, harmonize, and fully align with your soul purpose.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

Alexandra Wenman is a gifted angel communicator, spiritual alchemist, channel, healer, poet, and presenter. The former editor of Prediction Magazine, she is the founder of Precious Wisdom Alchemy and the creator of The Alexandra Wenman Show on YouTube.