Eating quickly may seem like a time-saver, but it can harm your health. Fast eating increases air intake, leading to gas, bloating, and indigestion. It also prevents proper digestion, can...

The American dream is within reach for all when we break the cycle of poverty, hopelessness, and inadequate education. This article outlines an innovative program designed to empower the next...

Your pet's behavior often mirrors your own energy and emotions. This article explores how managing your dog’s on-leash reactivity can provide insights into your own life, such as feelings of...

Long-distance caregiving presents unique challenges, from emotional stress to managing logistics across time zones. This article explores practical strategies for overcoming caregiving challenges,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

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Will T. Wilkinson
We live in an age of convenience. Every day, all day long, we are offered products and services to make our lives easier. The fundamental mindset is: Easy - good, hard - bad.
I have three discoveries to share with you that may support your own unique emergence into increasing fulfillment. my name for what I believe is the most potent and effective act of rebellion. The instructions are simple: express love no matter what.
It's Father's Day. What's the symbolic meaning? Could something life-changing happen today in your life and mine?
I’ve always wanted to explore this theme – conscious evolution – and experience the deeper meaning of it. I’ll start here, with my belief that all evolving humans want three things: happiness, fulfilm...
The turning of the year provides an opportunity to set a clear intention for 2022. Uncertainty and fear will surely persist, but that can’t stop us from enjoying a meaningful year, if we create a reli...
The turning of the year provides an opportunity to set a clear intention for 2022. Uncertainty and fear will surely persist, but that can’t stop us from enjoying a meaningful year, if we create a reli...
George P. Shears was a retired American chiropractor who became something of a minor wellness celebrity in the 70’s with his invention of Love Casting. George could heal people in one-on-one real time...
George P. Shears was a retired American chiropractor who became something of a minor wellness celebrity in the 70’s with his invention of Love Casting. George could heal people in one-on-one real time...
Picture a glass of clear water. You are holding a dropper of ink over it and you release a single droplet. Imagine it falling, hitting the water, and beginning to disperse, first as a feathery cloud o...
Picture a glass of clear water. You are holding a dropper of ink over it and you release a single droplet. Imagine it falling, hitting the water, and beginning to disperse, first as a feathery cloud o...
Since humans began thinking we’ve asked, “Who am I, why am I here?” Philosophers have debated, spiritual seekers have meditated, hedonists have partied, super achievers have produced, scientists have...
Since humans began thinking we’ve asked, “Who am I, why am I here?” Philosophers have debated, spiritual seekers have meditated, hedonists have partied, super achievers have produced, scientists have...
The terms “heaven” and “hell” have come to mean the place you want to be and the place you don’t want to be. But every good story, including our human journey, includes both. The hero is typically for...
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing and expecting a different result.” Our human habit is to identify a problem and then try to fix it. That must change. But what’s the alternative? Exa...
“God” is a loaded word. Can we use it without stirring controversy? I’ve turned it into an acronym: G.O.D. This seems to help.
News, by definition, is mostly bad. If we believed only what we read, heard, and watched on mainstream news and through social media, we’d become convinced that our world is in the worst shape it’s ev...
Our frustration is palatable now, in a hate-filled political environment where misinformation and outright lying has become the norm. Who to vote for, what to do? No wonder ideas like stocking up on a...
Movies that suck for an hour then end well are remembered as good movies. Those that are decent for an hour but suck at the end take their place in history as bad movies. So, how is your life going to...
Now is the time for the expression of unconditional love through as many humans as possible as often as possible for as long as possible every day.
Have you ever forgotten something – a name, a place, an event – and struggled to remember, finally giving up, only to have an "ah ah" moment some time later, suddenly recalling what evaded your recoll...
I recently gave the keynote address at a local graduation ceremony. I arrived early to hang out with the 72 students and asked a few of them, "What would you like to hear from me?" I ended up quoting...
So, who knows exactly what's going on right now? I've reviewed videos, read blogs and articles and books, accessed a variety of news sources, mainstream and sidestream, watched YouTube videos of docto...
"May The Force be with you." We first heard that phrase in Star Wars and it quickly went viral, entering the mainstream as a description of the invisible power that runs the universe, presumably imbue...
Every habit has its weight. Over time, the gravity of our routines gets heavier, making change increasingly difficult. The phrase, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" pretty much sums it up.
Today, I'm introducing another new term, a word I invented years ago that turns imagination into a verb: " imagifi ." Usage: We can imagifi a situation by applying our imagination to it and asking, "W...
Trains. Who doesn't love riding on a train? And "switching tracks" is such a perfect metaphor for taking charge of our lives. As Lao Tsu famously said, "If we don't change direction, we'll end up wher...
If you were to write a screenplay that was turned into the movie of your life, would it be a comedy, a mystery thriller, an adrenal pumping adventure, an insightful documentary, a snooze fest, a horro...
Everywhere, around the world, in every culture, individuals are responding to an awakening impulse that is resonating throughout the universe and impacting our consciousness in every moment, waking an...
"All you need is love," sang The Beatles and how we wish that were true! We also need truth, which is a word symbol that describes the essential "translation" of Love, capital L, for specific applicat...
Imagine a life without love. Sadly, so many people feel a despairing lack of love, even some who are successful and surrounded by friends. Over 50% of Americans report they have no one they can confid...
One innovative way to face hard truths is through imagery. Rumi’s words from the opening quote echo across the centuries and present evocative symbols. “Mount the stallion of love and do not fear the...
Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that we used to create them.” I wonder what he would say today? My guess is that he would be shouting aloud while pointing to...
A visionary activist understands that their every thought, feeling, word, and action generates a ripple effect throughout the field of consciousness, unlimited by space and time. He/she is committed t...
To be “in this world but not of it” is the ultimate challenge. It's so much easier to withdraw from the craziness or get lost in it. Trauma specialists identify isolated incidents of extreme stress, b...
All of us have traumatic memories. Over the years we may become aware how they are affecting our lives in negative ways. Here’s a technique you can use on yourself to change your personal history by c...
What begins as an exercise that may take three to five minutes can quickly become an automatic habit, easily accomplished in seconds and integrated into your life as unconscious competency.
Today, millions of previously gracious, loving individuals have been enrolled in madness. They, or perhaps we, now hate the President and rage against a rigged system. Self-righteousness doesn’t alter...
The Native American perspective was that we don’t own anything but we are stewards of everything. That could be described in a single word: responsibility. Ownership is onerous.
If you can remember when you learned to drive a car you will recall how difficult it was to focus on everything at once. There was the steering, the looking in the rear view mirror, the gas pedal, the...
I thought I had always been fully committed to this work of human transformation. But when I study my own lifeline and do some truth telling, it’s clear that I’ve taken more than a few detours. I have...
Notice how much time you devote to worrying about a problem vs. how much time you devote to developing a vision for the solution. I’m referring to your inner dialogue, the thoughts that stream constan...
Can you be bold to love the world? Can you put your love for the world first? When you do, when it’s the real thing, you discover that “you” is not really “I,” it is “we.” Such a fundamental identity...
“They,” whoever they are, say that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. What do you stand for? A handful of courageous activists like Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther K...
What can one person do?That is the question millions of us ask as we survey the global landscape. We’re asking the wrong question. More important than what we can do is...
I’ve always wanted to explore this theme – conscious evolution – and experience the deeper meaning of it. I’ll start here, with my belief that all evolving humans want three things: happiness, fulfilm...
It’s easy to blame money for all the world’s problems, at least greed for money. Pick any problem and we can usually “follow the money” to discover what’s causing it.
"Happy New Year!" What if we meant it this year, that we really intended to make 2024 a happy new year and that we did something to make that happen, rather than just mouthing empty words?
Maui exists as a special place for millions of people all over the world, from those who revere it as one of the world’s sacred sites to tourists who come to reboot their lives.
The terms “heaven” and “hell” have come to mean the place you want to be and the place you don’t want to be. But every good story, including our human journey, includes both. The hero is typically for...