The American dream is within reach for all when we break the cycle of poverty, hopelessness, and inadequate education. This article outlines an innovative program designed to empower the next...

Your pet's behavior often mirrors your own energy and emotions. This article explores how managing your dog’s on-leash reactivity can provide insights into your own life, such as feelings of...

Long-distance caregiving presents unique challenges, from emotional stress to managing logistics across time zones. This article explores practical strategies for overcoming caregiving challenges,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This weekly astrological overview is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

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Nancy Windheart
In my many years of teaching animal communication, I have found that there are certain attitudes that support people in reclaiming their natural, inborn ability to communicate with all life.
In my many years of teaching animal communication, I have found that there are certain attitudes that support people in reclaiming their natural, inborn ability to communicate with all life.
Many of us have experienced the deaths of our animal friends, and the Covid-19 situation has made it all harder. Our animal family members may have been our primary support, companionship, and connect...
Many of us have experienced the deaths of our animal friends, and the Covid-19 situation has made it all harder. Our animal family members may have been our primary support, companionship, and connect...
We know that we're in a great time of transition, of birthing a new way of being, living, and loving in our world that is long overdue. And, it's grueling. Let's just be honest about that.
We know that we're in a great time of transition, of birthing a new way of being, living, and loving in our world that is long overdue. And, it's grueling. Let's just be honest about that.
In my blog posts, free resources, and courses, I talk a lot about the things that we can do to support and develop our inborn, natural interspecies communication abilities. In this post, I want to tal...
In my blog posts, free resources, and courses, I talk a lot about the things that we can do to support and develop our inborn, natural interspecies communication abilities. In this post, I want to tal...
As I waded into the cold water, I noticed the body of a blue pond damselfly floating on the surface. I picked her up, and held her gently in my hands…at first to see if she may still be alive, and the...
How are you doing in this time? My experience is that it’s weird, and wild, and wonderful in certain ways, and really, really challenging in others. Grief, loss, uncertainty. Inspiration, creativity,...
In this post, I share a few of the communications and transmissions from some of the non-human wisdom teachers I’ve connected with about our global situation, and in particular, the crucible of the no...
In these past weeks, we as a human species have had our lives and “business as usual” worlds dramatically altered. During this time, I have been listening deeply, moving back and forth between my huma...
I have been thinking a lot about beauty lately… about how, alongside all of the difficulty, suffering, and tragedy in our world, there is an ever-present flow of beauty, joy, grace, and love all aroun...
Thanksgiving is a tricky holiday for me, and for many Americans. While I love the concept of a holiday dedicated to gratitude, celebration of the harvest, and spending time with loved ones, I am also...
Many people will be celebrating Halloween here in the US…and around this time of year, I often get questions about how our companion animals feel about wearing clothes and costumes...
I have a small note above my desk that is titled: “Non-Negotiable Necessities.” These are the things in my life that I truly can’t live without. They comprise the foundation of my self-care that, if n...
It may surprise you to learn that things that we typically think of as “objects” or “things” have consciousness, spirit, a life force or intelligence that can be felt, sensed, and communicated with. W...
I have these words on the bulletin board above my desk: Expect Miracles. In my healing and animal communication practice, I am incredibly blessed to be able to witness miracles almost every day.
If you’re like me, you might be finding that you need a bit of a breather this month. It’s important to take time to rest, to let everything settle in, shake out, and shake down, and allow the inner a...
One of the biggest challenges that we as humans face in reclaiming our natural ability to communicate telepathically is differentiating authentic telepathic communication from the thoughts, ideas, and...
Tahlequah made headlines around the world as she carried the body of her dead calf at the surface of the water, sometimes on her head, sometimes in her mouth, for at least 10 days, in a heartbreaking...
I had the privilege of meeting and communicating with Gable over time, and assisting Jennifer and Gable with their end-of-life conversations and decisions. Gable’s strength, wisdom, and inspiration co...
Many people are concerned about the whales… Good-hearted people feel helpless, and ask, “is there anything that we can do?” When I asked the whales for their guidance, they gave us three practical thi...
I talk with a lot of people in the course of a week…and I can tell you that people are dealing with a lot right now. There is a huge amount of change, uncertainty, anxiety, fear, transformation, loss,...
I am astonished and delighted at how the universe works. I am learning more and more about how to live in what I call “The Flow of Grace.” For me, this is learning to allow, rather than push; to accep...
The term “empath” has received more publicity recently, and in my opinion, that’s a good thing. For those of us who have had difficulty understanding why it can be hard for us to be in the world, the...
Ironically, for me, becoming an animal communicator coincided with shifting away from my previous vegan lifestyle. I have had my own deep journey with this question, and perhaps the understandings I h...
It’s vitally important to learn to differentiate between our own human ideas and thoughts and telepathic communication which comes directly from the animal. This kind of differentiation requires pract...
The events that have been transpiring here in the US and around the world have impacted me deeply. As we got closer to the election last November here in the US, I could feel the upwelling of waves of...
From the first day of our trip, we were met by the whales. Although I had been in deep communication with the whales and had received instructions for the structure and practices for the trip in the y...
Unlike the childhood experiences of so many of us in the “baby boom” generation, who were raised, at best, to ignore our telepathic abilities and our spiritual, non-physical perceptions–or, at worst,...
In learning to listen to animals telepathically, we learn to still the mind, to listen with deep presence, and to become open to the realms of magic and the unseen. This can become the foundation of a...
I was invited to speak to a class of 4th graders at our local school about my work and life as an animal communicator. I loved sharing with this group of aware and sensitive children, most of whom had...
I have been asking myself deep questions about the next stages of my work and my life: how do I teach? How do I live? What, now, is my highest calling, my deepest contribution toward creating a peacef...
We are living in extraordinary times. Like many people, I’ve been riding the waves of personal and collective fear, grief, shock, chaos, hope, vulnerability, and openhearted tenderness as the reality...
As I waded into the cold water, I noticed the body of a blue pond damselfly floating on the surface. I picked her up, and held her gently in my hands…