The American dream is within reach for all when we break the cycle of poverty, hopelessness, and inadequate education. This article outlines an innovative program designed to empower the next...

Your pet's behavior often mirrors your own energy and emotions. This article explores how managing your dog’s on-leash reactivity can provide insights into your own life, such as feelings of...

Long-distance caregiving presents unique challenges, from emotional stress to managing logistics across time zones. This article explores practical strategies for overcoming caregiving challenges,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This weekly astrological overview is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

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Eileen Workman
A new economic model would need to be win/win, far different from the win/lose paradigm under which we’ve been operating.
The level of hunger for “belonging” being expressed by a large number of white Americans today reflects a primary drive all people feel to belong to a family, a tribe, a social group, or a welcoming c...
The irony of anyone standing firmly resistant to change is that we awaken into a brand new world every day. We call it the universe, and it’s never the same place twice. In our universe, though, the c...
What makes a good relationship? A willingness to surrender one’s heart—totally and without reservation to your Beloved—and to trust that, when you leap together into the precipice of the unknown, you...
People today are espousing some very strange beliefs about the state of our modern economy. We frequently hear things like: We can no longer afford to educate our children, provide universal health ca...
Whatever living experiments you may choose to pursue in the future will be a function of the present state of your environment, your technologies and creative capacities, and the lens through which yo...
What is it about our beliefs that makes them so powerful some of us are willing to suffer or die before we’ll ignore what we’ve been taught to believe is right? At what point do we allow society’s fab...
At this stage of the money game we’re operating under an “every man for himself” style of play. We’re taught that the end justifies the means, that it’s a dog-eat-dog reality, that might makes right a...
We keep compulsively trying to control everything all around us to protect our fragile biological bodies…too often without the slightest sense of awareness that there exists within us a vast, subjecti...
With this body, I’ve discovered I’m able to deliver into this world a virtually infinite spectrum of creative energy – from love, joy, creativity, beauty, sensuality, passion, intimacy; to sorrow, fea...
After many years of “helpfully” trying to change other people in order to create a better world that will work for everyone, it at last became clear to me that the only behaviors, thoughts, and feelin...
It seems to me that our ongoing quest to secure material wealth—often to the point of excess, and with little regard for the harm we may do while in blind pursuit of money—reflects the fact that, as a...
What happens if, instead of coming from fear of our own past, we initiate change from a state of quiet confidence that the changes we collectively wish to explore are being investigated to discover wh...
If we’ve learned anything, it’s that we create less of whatever we fail to reward and more of what we reward. It should therefore come as no surprise that the creative outputs and capacities of our tw...
I understand why people feel unsettled, confused, and even frightened by what they observe going on in our world today. Everywhere we look we see chaos and change, disruption and destruction. We see s...
It seems to me that many of the battles within humanity today arise because most of us have no idea how to differentiate what we believe from what is true. We don’t know how to separate our opinions f...
“Don’t kill. Don’t steal. Don’t lie. Don’t screw with someone else’s happiness....” The 10 Commandments are not high spiritual values. In fact, they cater to the lowest common denominator of a species...
Why is it that the typical American feels stressed and increasingly unhealthy? Why has public discourse grown so toxic that some are suggesting violence as the solution to our current political proble...
Sometimes, it’s useful to ask yourself: What do I gain by continuing the course of action I am taking, and what might I gain by choosing an alternative course of action? So often we find ourselves on...
Analysts tell us that the pending collision between humanity's growing energy needs and the energy depletion of our planet will lead to global economic collapse within fifty to one hundred years, unle...
Fear drives our impulses to forcibly control others, and to try and make the whole world behave as we want. Fear stimulates our mistrust of one another. It fosters close-mindedness, terror, judgment,...
I believe that the invitation to truly live requires us to be rooted in a deep trust of life. This rooting is grounded in openness, watered with courage, fertilized by compassion, expressed with kindn...
When Spirit notices something about your behavior that needs to evolve, it in -spires you to make a change for the better. All changes that are being willed by life-centered Spirit—as opposed to chang...