PCBs were banned over 40 years ago, but these toxic chemicals still pose a serious risk to human health and the environment. Learn how PCBs persist in soil, water, and air, and why long-term...

English expressions like "so long" and "against the grain" have intriguing origins that reveal much about language evolution. Uncover the fascinating stories behind these common phrases and learn...

Managing your dog’s unwanted behaviors, such as barking, jumping, or nipping, requires understanding their root causes and using positive reinforcement. This article provides practical tips for...

  Assisted dying is a deeply personal choice, often made with the support of loved ones. This article shares first-hand stories from families who helped their relatives through the process of...

  Many popular mobile apps have complicated privacy settings that put your data at risk. Understanding these settings and adjusting them can help protect your privacy and reduce exposure to...

This article explores how overcoming fear with love and inner strength can unlock the miraculous power within us. By understanding the destructive nature of fear and embracing the high frequency...

Washing fruits and vegetables properly is essential for food safety. Learn the best techniques to remove dirt, pesticides, and germs using simple methods like water, vinegar, or baking soda.

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Louise L. Hay
At the time of this writing, I am entering my 73rd year, and I am extremely healthy. Just because the years are passing does not mean that the quality of our lives must automatically go downhill. Thin...
As a society, we've made meditation into something mysterious and difficult to achieve, yet everyone can meditate; it's easy. All we have to do is to sit or lie down quietly, close our eyes, and take...
You'll never have good self-esteem if you have negative thoughts about yourself. Self-esteem is merely feeling good about yourself, and when you do so, you develop confidence. Confidence then builds s...
The ways in which we currently age have been programmed into us, and we have accepted this idea as a reality. We believe that we all will get old, sick, senile, frail, and die -- in that order. This d...
Affirmations are really anything that we say or think. We say, "I don't want this in my life" or "I don't want to be sick anymore" or "I hate my job".
How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to choose to be angry and resentful? Thoughts of bitterness can't create joy. You can never be free of bitterness as long as you continue to think u...
All the theory in the world is useless unless we know how to apply it and make a change. Sometimes when we try to release a pattern, the whole situation seems to get worse for a while. This is not a b...
If you say, 'I am not creative,' then that's an affirmation that will be true for you for as long as you continue to use it. You can never express yourself creatively by talking or thinking about what...
If you want change in your life, then you are the one who must do the changing. When you change, then all the other people in your world will change in relation to you. Are you willing to change? All...
Many people say they cannot enjoy today because of something that happened in the past. By holding on to the past, no matter what it was or how awful it was, we are only hurting ourselves by refusing...
Beloved author and founder of Hay House Publishing, Louise Hay, transitioned this morning, August 30, 2017 of natural causes at age 90. She passed peacefully in her sleep. Louise was an incredible vis...
When we use the term prosperity, a lot of people immediately think of money. However, there are many other concepts that come under the auspices of prosperity, such as: time, love, success, comfort, b...