a sign that says: Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often
Image by Sally from Pixabay

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of thinking for yourself and choosing Love and Respect (today and every day).

Comment from Marie:
We've all been brainwashed. It starts early, with cartoons, fairy tales, and then at school it continues. We are told the world is a fright-full place, full of boogey-men under the bed, monsters in the closet, bad endings to stories, etc. etc. We are brainwashed to believe we are sinners and the world is an evil place. But the world is as we choose to make it... When we choose Love and Respect, those are the seeds we sow, and that's what will grow and what we will reap.

Don't buy in to the hype that everyone is evil, the world is evil, etc. There are two realities co-existing. Which one do you want to be a part of? It's always our choice... each moment, each thought, each word, each action. Let's all choose Love and Respect and let that grow into a world where Love and Respect are the sole reality. As it says in the article and book from which this weekend's Daily Inspiration is taken, we an rise out of suffering and fear and choose Love. 

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

September 27-28-29, 2024

The focus for today, and the weekend, is:

I regain the freedom to think for myself
and choose love and respect.

Today's inspiration was written by Belinda J. Womack:

Do you feel disrespected and powerless in any aspect of daily life? Heavy feelings, responsibilities, and the frustrations that come with the responsibilities happen when you are unaware your mind is under the influence of hidden fears.

The divine laws support your education to choose love and oneness over fear and separation. Religions may have good intentions; however, when mankind puts rules around the way a human needs to think and function, it interferes with the divine laws.

The Law of One tells you that every particle of the Great Universe belongs to the whole of Divine Oneness. As you regain the freedom to think for yourself and choose love and respect as being part of Divine Oneness, you help to free all beings who are experiencing punishment and poverty.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the InnerSelf.com article:

Read the complete article here.

Our focus for today: I regain the freedom to think for myself and choose love and respect.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

 * * *

RELATED BOOK: Angel Abundance

Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth from the 12 Archangels
by Belinda J. Womack.

• Shares 63 healing visualizations to transform fear, resolve debt, and become receptive to the infinite bounty of the Universe

• Learn how to tap in to the singing colors of the Central Sun that are mirrored in your chakras and raise your vibration to attract wealth—not only financial wealth, but anything you need to receive from Source to feel safe, happy, healthy, and free

• Offers nighttime practices to support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source as well as advanced practices to transform suffering

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

photo of Belinda WomackBelinda Womack has been a clear and trustworthy messenger for the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun for nearly 30 years. Author of Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life, Belinda offers online courses, zoom webinars, and advanced training overflowing with the ageless and practical wisdom of the Angels. A scientist by formal training, with dual master’s degrees in microbiology and environmental science, she loves to watch the greatest power in the Universe, LOVE, prove itself over and over again.