This article explores the concept of team building in America and how we can improve leadership and cooperation by taking lessons from sports and corporate coaches. Through unity, shared goals,...

The Heritage Foundation's influence on American democracy has steadily increased, eroding democratic principles. Through Project 2025 and decades of policy blueprints, it has worked to concentrate...

Mixed emotions are a fascinating topic in neuroscience, as your brain processes both positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Studies show that while certain brain regions handle conflicting...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This article unpacks "The Myth of Normal" and explores how the mindset of patriarchy and separation disconnects us from spiritual practice and well-being. By examining the societal norms that fuel...

Radical policy changes, such as tariffs on imports, deportations, and ending climate initiatives, will reshape the U.S. economy. While bold, these policies will lead to inflation, labor shortages,...

Homeowners across the US are facing rapidly increasing insurance premiums due to climate change and more frequent extreme weather events. Rising home insurance rates are driven by increased repair...

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Guy Finley
If we want to grow inwardly we must find new ways to learn about ourselves. These higher discoveries call for higher learning. Think of each of the following eleven laws as individual magic strands of...
Who you really are, your original Self, doesn’t come loaded with worry, regret, fear, resentment, or, for that matter, any other self-limiting states that can grow where darkness gathers. Let’s make t...
As long as we allow our True needs to be answered by the familiar, we are going to live out our lives making unseen circles. We need to go up, not around. What we really need is to make contact with t...
Once upon a time a little Being was sitting by a stream…sighing, sad, and just a bit frightened. At that same moment, as the fates would have it, Solo­mon, the wise old owl, happened to be flying by j...
Study carefully the following list of six false beliefs and the false responsibilities that are never far away from them. Dare to learn everything you can about your own false beliefs and then watch h...
The need for whatever it may be that we’re drawn to is the yet to be realized presence within us of that very thing to which we are drawn. This means that no matter how distant seems our guiding star,...
Every period of recorded history reports the arrival of certain “game changing” ideas, the advent of some unique insight whose appearance serves to transform the consciousness of the world itself. Of...
The more clearly we can see that it’s impossible to reach a place of rest by rushing to get there, the sooner we’ll arrive at the true solutions that allow us to relax, slow down, and realize the rela...